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TeamUCL Social Volleyball League

TeamUCL Leagues offer a fantastic way to keep active in a relaxed and sociable environment, with a friendly but competitive atmosphere. Our TeamUCL Social Volleyball League is a fantastic way to add a little competition to your schedule. This is your opportunity to get out on the court with your team and make some friends along the way!

Below, you can find out more about our Term 1 Social Volleyball League.

How to Register a Team

To register a Team for the TeamUCL Social Volleyball League, please follow the link below and select the Volleyball option from the drop down menu. This should then confirm the team price of £150 and you will be able t0 add the product to your basket and proceed to "checkout".

If you are wanting this money to be taken directly from your club or societies account please select the 'Club and Society Entry - Pay by Invoice' on the first drop-down question, and we will make an internal transfer.

How To Register as an Individual

Follow the link below and select the league you would like to join

League Details Term 2

Social Volleyball (Sunday) 3pm - 6pm2nd February - 23rd March Sports Hall
Somers Town Community Sports Centre
£160 Comfortable clothing, kneepads (optional), trainers.

Please bring a volleyball if your team has one.

Live Fixtures & Results

League Rules

Volleyball League Rules

Format & Scoring
- The time listed is the fixture start - please make sure you are ready to start.
- Best of 3 sets, first to 21.
- To win a set you need to be two points clear of the other team.
- If the final set commences with under 15 minutes left, the last game will be played to 15.

Players & Substitutions
- The league is open to all genders.
- 6 players on the court, 3 on the front row and 3 on the back row.
- All players need to have filled out the player registration form once for the term – even if you are just filling in for a week.
- Rolling subs - there is no limit to the number of substitutions that can be made by a team, provided all players are registered.
- The umpire must be notified when making a substitution.
- If the opposition only has 5 players teams are required to match this, however, anything below 5 you can play on as normal, and the other team will have to forfeit or play with what they have.

- During each posession, a team can only have three contacts with the ball. The ideal sequence of contacts is usually a pass, a set and a hit.
- A block is not considered as a hit.
- No player an ever contact the ball twice in succession, and the ball cannot be caught or carried over the net.
- It is legal to contact the ball with any part of the player's body.
- To start a point, the server can serve from anywhere behind the end line, either overarm or underarm, into the opposing team's side of the court.
- The ball may be played off the net during a volly and on a serve this is called a 'let'.
- A ball hitting a boundary line is 'in'.
- A ball is hit out if it hits the antennae, floor outside the net, any of the net or cables outside the anntanae, the referees stand, the ceiling above the non-playable area.

Competition Points
- Win = 3 Points
- Draw = 1 Point
- Loss = 0 Point
- Forfeit/Walkover = -1 Point

Health & Safety
- It is the players responsibility to bring weather/activity appropriate clothing, equipment and footwear.
- Teams are responsible for their own first aid supplies.
- Jewellery and watches must be removed. Medical bracelet may be worn if appropriately taped.

Referees’ discretion on calls will be final and any misconduct on decisions, abuse or gross misconduct can result in penalties and/or removal from the league.

All players and teams must adhere to the Code of Conduct.