TeamUCL Social Badminton League (Doubles)
TeamUCL Leagues offer a fantastic way to keep active in a relaxed and sociable environment, with a friendly but competitive atmosphere. Our TeamUCL Social Badminton League is a fantastic way to add a little competition to your schedule. This is your opportunity to get out on the court with your team mate and make some friends along the way!
Below, you can find out more about our social badminton league.
How To Register A Team
To register you and your pair for the TeamUCL Social Badminton League, please follow the link below and select the Badminton option from the drop down menu. This should then confirm the pair price of £50 (£25 per person), you will then be able t0 add the product to your basket and proceed to "checkout".
How to Register as an Individual
Follow the link below and select the league you would like to join
Live Fixtures & Results
Information available once the league has started
League Details Term 2
Social Badminton (Saturday) | 11am-1pm | 1st Feb - 22nd Mar | Bobby Moore | £50 | Badminton racket, shuttlecocks, comfortable clothing, trainers, no jewellery |
League Rules
- Social Badminton League Rules
- 1 hour to play 3 games to 21 points.
- The league will be split in to two divisions of 8 pairs
- Division 1 will have an hour to complete their games
- Division 2 will have an hour to complete their games
- Divisions will be decided after week one of the league
- A coin toss should be conducted before a game starts. If you win, you can choose between serving first or pick which end of the court you would like to start at. Your opponent can then exercise the remaining choice.
- The winning pair serves first in the next game
- After the first game is played, pairs much change ends
- Each time a side gains the right to serve, the service shall be delivered from the right service court. Only your opponent standing diagonally opposite of you shall return the service
- After the service is returned, either you or your partner may hit the shuttle from any position on your side of the net
- If the shuttle lands outside the boundaries of the court
- If the shuttle passes through or under the net, fails to pass the net, touches the ceiling or side walls
- If a player touches the net or its supports with racket
- If a player deliberately distracts an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures
- If the shuttle is caught and held on the racket
- If the shuttle is hit twice in succession
Health & Safety
- It is the players responsibility to bring weather/activity appropriate clothing, equipment and footwear.
- Teams are responsible for their own first aid supplies.
- Jewellery and watches must be removed. Medical bracelet may be worn if appropriately taped.All players and teams must adhere to the Code of Conduct.
- Code of Conduct
All players and teams must adhere to the Code of Conduct.