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Frequently asked questions (and answers!)

TeamUCL Social Leagues

When do the leagues start and finish?

The leagues run termly for 8-10 week blocks and your team will have a weekly fixture. Please find the exact dates of the league you are interested in within the relevant sport page from our homepage.

How do I sign my team up to the league?

Team registrations open before the start of each term on the Students' Union website where you will need to pay the entry fee and give the team/captain's details. Places fill up so make sure you sign up as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

Can we still join as a team if we don't have enough players?

Yes! When you enter your team there is an option to tell us whether you're looking for additional players. We can then assign individual sign ups to your team.

Can societies join?

Absolutely - society teams make up a large proportion of our leagues. As a club or society, we can take the entry fee straight from your group account (as long as the President or Treasurer has submitted the form) so you don't have to worry about collecting individual fees.

How many players can our team have?

The minimum number of players for each fixture will be shown on the sport page. Your team for the league can consist of as many people as you like - we'd recommending having a few more than the minimum so you aren't relying on every member being available each week but don't have so many that people aren't able to play!

I don't have a team, can I still join?

Yes, individual entries to our leagues are open at the same time as the league entries. When you sign up you can let us know if there's a team you'd like to join or we can match you with people in your halls/course.

Do we need a team kit?

We will provide bibs for sports that require them, but it's always great to have a team kit to look the part! If you'd like to order a team kit for your society team, please email [email protected] and we can work with you to order it.

How do I find my fixtures?

The fixtures and results are hosted on playwaze and can be found through the relevant sport page on our website.

Football leagues
Netball leagues
Volleyball leagues
Badminton leagues
Tennis leagues (coming soon)

Which rules does my league follow?

You can find the sport and league specific rules within the main sport page as well as a general code of conduct. Please ensure all players have understood the rules and code of conduct before playing.

Please note that the official's decision is final but if you have any questions about the rules please do email [email protected].

Will there be new sports added to the leagues?

We are always interested to hear if there are sports you would like to see added to our leagues. Please email [email protected] if your club, society, group of friends or halls would like to see a new league!

Are there opportunities to work on the leagues?

We have both paid and volunteer opportunities on all of our social leagues. If you're a qualified official or interested in becoming one, please register your interest here. If you're interested in being a league 'activator' please read about the benefits and how to get invovled here.

TeamUCL Social Tournaments

Which sports are the tournaments in?

We run a variety of one-off tournaments over the year including badminton, table tennis and 5-a-side football. You can be the first to hear about new tournaments by following us on Instagram!

How do I sign up to a tournament?

Our events will appear on our website and on the What's On Calendar where you can sign up. Make sure to check the event details as it may be an individual or team sign up.

Do I need my own equipment?

This is dependent on the tournament but usually not! Make sure to check the event details and get in touch if you require more details.