Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

Crap-tastic Christmas: The worst (and best) lights in London
London really knows how to do Christmas (have you been to Oxford Circus or Regents Street?). It’s that special time of the year when the whole city is covered in lights, mulled wine seeps out of every bar and club and you can’t escape the mince pies (funnily enough, they don’t contain any meat!).
This year we’re…
We’ve got a lot going on this academic year and we’ve highlighted fifteen commitments we’re making to you. These are commitments to change things for the better, big and small. Fifteen projects we’re working on to make your life at UCL better. 
Disabled History: Our Story (Un)Told
History is the narrative which a society presents itself in order to make sense of its past, its present and where the future might lie. Within that narrative there are many threads, overlapping and interweaving to form the many stories that make up said history.
Get festive with volunteering!
The festive season is all about giving back and bringing happiness to others and what better way is there to do that than through volunteering?
We're calling for a People's Vote on the Brexit deal
As a result of the All Student Meeting vote on whether the Union should support a People's Vote on the Brexit deal, we've written to our MP, Keir Starmer. The letter can be read below: Dear Sir Keir Starmer 
Open statement from LGBT+ representatives within the University of London
It has come to our attention that a letter was published in The Guardian newspaper on the 16th of October notifying the public about the formation of a network of academics who claim to be “concerned about the suppression of proper academic analysis and discussi
Rep Elections Results
Thanks to all 2,799 students who voted in our Rep Elections.  The lucky candidates who have been elected to be your representatives are below.  Congratulations to all and watch this space to find out what they get up to in the year ahead. 
People of Black History Month - Moise
We are just over halfway through Black History Month so we at the Union thought it was about time you heard from some of the key players in what is one of our most exciting and thought-provoking periods. 
How Volunteering Helped Me Unlock London
Postgraduate research degrees can get lonely. You spend a great deal of your time working by yourself – reading papers, collecting and analysing data, and so on. Add to this the fact that we are in one of the largest cities in the world, and it’s no surprise that some students find it difficult to develop that feeling of belonging to a community.
Academic Reps
We represent your academic interests, every day Every day, right across every UCL department, some of the over 1600 Academic Representatives that we work with are making your education better.
The 2018 3MT winner is...
Three Minute Thesis ®(3MT) challenges doctoral candidates to present a compelling spoken presentation on their research topic and its significance in just three minutes, in language appropriate to non-specialists. Three Minute Thesis was first established at the University of Queensland in 2008 and has rapidly spread all over the world.
New Tier 4 visa compliance regulations: 83% feel discriminated against as a UCL international student
Over the past two weeks, hundreds of international students from across the university have responded to our survey related to UCL's new visa compliance regulations.
We're committed to tackling sexual misconduct at UCL
A new report published by the NUS in the wake of the #metoo movement investigates sexual misconduct in Higher Education institutions. The results make for sobering reading and shows how far universities have to go to foster an inclusive and safe environment for all students.
Statement responding to changes to Tier 4 visa engagement monitoring at UCL
Developed and agreed at a UCL staff-student open meeting 5th June 2018, and finalised on 13th June. We have now launched our campaign, UCL: Stop Policing International Students.
What went down at our Education Awards?
This week, we teamed up with UCL for the first ever joint Education Awards, recognising the winners of the Academic Rep of the Year Awards, our Student Choice Awards, and UCL's Education Awards. 
We did it, we’ve been accredited as Investors in People!
Over the last few months the Investors in People auditors have been interviewing, surveying and well…auditing Students’ Union UCL. Our whole staff team have had the opportunity to take part and give their feedback on what it’s like to work here. The way we do things here has been under the microscope and the results are in. We're accredited! 
Summer Volunteering 2018
Summer's here, and it's time to get volunteering! We've moved our summer volunteering information to our Level Up pages
Coffee with a conscience
In June 2018, as part of our 125 birthday celebrations, we’re aiming to raise £4,000 for the Sarah Douglas Hardship Fund.
Academic Rep of the Year - Faculty Winners Announced!
This year we received almost 250 nominations for the Academic Rep of the Year Awards, from students and staff across UCL eager to tell us about the huge difference a great rep has made. The nominations have been checked, the judging panel has met, and now we can announce the winners of each of the faculty awards, which you can find below.
How you can Decolonise UCL
UCL celebrates eugenicists, racists and colonialists. Shocking but sadly, it's a fact. A walk around campus shows an institution that sees fit to name its buildings after individuals whose work dehumanises those who are not racialised as white.