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From an interview with Xuyi Wang, LGBQ+ Officer


What does LGBT+ History Month mean to you?

I think LGBTQ+ History Month is really important for the LGBTQ+ community. It allows us to have a frame of time to remember our community exists - to give us visibility and awareness and to make us feel like we are represented, seen and heard.

UCL is such an international environment with such a huge population of students coming from backgrounds where there isn’t great exposure to LGBTQ+ communities and I think increasing awareness through this month is extremely important. It’s important for international and home students to explore the other options and identities in their lives. UCL is an open and safe space to explore your identity and to be who you want to be. This is honestly such a liberating feeling.

This is honestly such a liberating feeling.

What support is there for people who define as LGBTQ+?

The support I got from the Network is one of the main reasons I ran for LGBQ+ Officer, and because I thought the role would be a good way to contribute to social good and to the community at UCL. During my first year, I had mental health issues due to a lack of support. The Union's Advice Service was so supportive and helped me get through this but also key to me feeling better was UCL LGBT+ Network - a place where you can meet other LGBTQ+ students and make friends who are going through similar things to you. I applied for the role of LGBQ+ Officer because I wanted to be in a role where I could help other students going through the same things as me, - just as the Network helped me, I wanted to help others. Along the way, I've also learnt so many different skills, which is a bonus.

A Network open for everyone

I think there is this presumption that everyone in the LGBT+ Network is classed as homosexual but students shouldn’t be worried about defining themselves as one sexuality or another when coming to UCL LGBT+ Network. Whatever your orientation, we are a welcoming and diverse community and we welcome all - those that are questioning their identity and those not questioning their identities.


Being at UCL is a unique experience. You’ll get to interact with the most diverse community you will ever get in touch with and it’s an experience that I will never forget. I think that every student should make the most of it and one way to do that is to join as many societies and networks as possible and to explore the options that people have within their identity.

One way to get more involved in the Network is through LGBTQ+ History Month. UCL LGBT+ Network is running loads of events to celebrate this month so come along. Everyone is welcome!"

View all events here