Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more


Voting has now closed in the NUS Conference Delegate Elections and the full results are available to view here.

The successful delegates are:

  • Julian Laufs
  • D'arcy Mcguinness
  • Hannah Chow
  • Syed Haque
  • Alexandre Marion
  • Molly Hartill
  • Abdirahman Mohamed
  • Sandy Ogundele
  • Nowsha Farha
  • Ayman Ben

These delegates will joine our Education Officer Ashley and represent the views of our Union at the NUS National Conference, the annual policy making body of the national union. The conference takes place each spring, runs for three days with almost 1400 students attending and passes policy that sets the priorities of the NUS for the coming year. This allows us to have a real and meaningful say in the student movement, not just at UCL but at a national level.

Although we have now chosen our representatives, it’s not too late to get involved with the NUS!

Submit a proposal 

You can submit a proposal for us to submit to NUS via our website. This can be anything you think deserves attention at a national level. The NUS guidelines say that all proposals should be written in clear, plain English and should be a maximum of 700 words. Your proposal should be in two parts, one identifying the issue and one identifying how you think the issue should be solved. We will then have a student vote to decide which proposal to put forward and our Union Executive committee will confirm it.

Be a national officer

You can also run to be an NUS Officer. Nominations are now open for the positions of National President and Vice President Higher Education, which will be elected at the NUS National Conference in March. More information on the election process is available here.