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Students’ Union UCL strongly objects to the upcoming ‘Women’s Liberation Conference’ organised by A Woman’s Place UK (WPUK) which is due to take place on our campus on Saturday 1 February.


WPUK advocate themselves as “gender critical”. Their manifesto opposes proposed improvements to the Gender Recognition Act, particularly the exclusion of transgender and gender diverse people from certain spaces and they have campaigned against gender-neutral spaces – views wholly opposed to our values.


We believe WPUK wrongly claim that rights won by feminist movements are threatened by trans people, and particularly by trans women. They have presented trans women as a threat to vital spaces such as rape crisis centres and women’s refuges.


Freedom of Expression is a fundamental right; however, this right does not extend to limiting or undermining the human rights of others. Freedom of Expression is not a valid argument to protect people who discriminate against or harass others and in the case of WPUK, by reference to someone’s gender.


UCL should be an open, accessible and safe space for trans people. WPUK is wholly at odds with the values of our institution and is not welcomed by our Union, our elected officers or our members and we have no tolerance for people who contribute to developing a hostile environment for the trans community.


On 1 February we will celebrate the beginning of LGBTQ History Month – an inclusive month of reflection and celebration of the LGBTQ community and reaffirm our commitment to ensuring UCL is a welcoming and safe place for the trans community.