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Written by Dillon Lad, third year, BSc in Biochemical Engineering

It can be difficult to re-motivate yourself after a long Christmas break. For many of us, it’s nearly impossible to get much work done and catch up over the break with Christmas, New Years and the football Club World Cup all being on during the holidaysI can tell you now, you wouldn’t be the only one who’s done no work going into Term 2 if you are that person. It can be a struggle to get back into the grove of things so here’s a few ways in which you can get going:  

Know your deadlines 

Familiarise yourself with all your upcoming deadlines and plan around them. Even though you might not be able to complete them yet, it’ll help you manage your time better as deadlines start coming... and they come fast! Some of you may also have January exams which you will need to focus on.  

If you don’t have January exams to revise for, it is worth preparing yourself for your upcoming modules - it’s good to get on top of things and know what you’re talking about in seminars. If you haven’t managed to catch up and go over all of Term 1’s modules over Christmas, then don’t fret. You’ll get a chance in the Easter holidays to catch up on absolutely everything before your exams.  

Main goals for Term 2 

Over Term 2, your main goal is to try and stay up to date on your Term 2 modules, so don’t waste too much time trying to catch up on content from Term 1. The last thing you want is to fall behind on your modules in Term 2, especially if you’re going to have lots of coursework and assignments for modules. 

That thing called ‘work-life balance’  

It is still important to keep a good work-life balance keep your social life active. Keep up with the societies you enjoy taking part in or join the societies that you regret not joining if there are any. It’s never too late to join societies and you can still do so.  

There are many weekly student nights out throughout the year, but Term 2 brings with it the Refreshers Rave.  Freshers, Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and End of Exam Raves can become some of the biggest and funnest student night outs of the yearThe UCL Refreshers Rave will be held at XOYO on 22 January. Of course, make sure you’re on top of all your deadlines first. 

Money can be tight 

University is an expensive time for students, and if Term 1 destroyed your bank balance then you might want to look at ways to maintain your finances in Term 2. If you’re looking at making some money around your studies, then download apps like Stint and Toptask, or check the UCL Students Union JobShop website. 

What have I learnt from Term 1?  

The most important thing is to learn from mistakes you made in Term 1. If you’re grades weren’t where you wanted them to be, think of what changes you can make to bring them up. If you fell into some unhealthy lifestyle habits then make sure you avoid them in Term 2.