LGBTQ+ History Month  Celebrate with us 

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Please note: if you are not a UCL staff member or student, you must have created a local account on our website, and log in via the "Local accounts" login form at the bottom of our login page - not the "Login via UCL" button.

We’re your point of access to 40,000 of the world’s most talented students who are looking for opportunities to earn money and develop skills. Set in the heart of London, Students’ Union UCL is the representative organisation for all students at UCL, one of the world’s leading universities.

JobShop is where our students go to find part-time, seasonal or temporary work which will help fund their studies. We have a range of ways to advertise your jobs to our students at prices to suit your budget.  If you are a small business or charity, please get in touch to find out about our special rates. 

By placing an advert with us you also agree to our service agreement.

Standard Package £49 +VAT

Online advert on JobShop website for up to 4 weeks

Advert is placed on our physical Job boards in our busy Union spaces

Why are we charging for your job advert? 

We’ve been working to improve the JobShop for employers and students over the past few months and we want to offer employers greater reach to UCL students and believe we’re now in a position to do so. The changes we’ve made to JobShop include:

  • Investing in a staff post to coordinate the operation of JobShop
  • Installing job notice boards in our commercial outlets and busy spaces
  • Developing a new website for students to browse and apply for jobs
  • Informing Students of vacancies regularly through our newsletter
  • Marketing the JobShop to students to increase the reach of jobs posted

The income generated through the JobShop covers the cost of this investment and any surplus is used to support our charitable obligations.

The small cost to advertise a job to UCL students offers employers good value for money in comparison to other platforms and we’re confident employers will see a return on investment with the best possible chance to recruit students for your positions.

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