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Sports Captains Hub

Welcome to the Sports Captains Hub, the home of TeamUCL Team Information. Please use this page to stay up to date with new information, read through important how-to guides that will help you run a successful club, and view Live webforms that you may need to complete within a necessary time frame.

Live Webforms

How-To Guides / Useful Info

Using BUCS Play

BUCS Play Help Guides list a number of functions of the app that will help you set up an account and process all captains responsibilities. For quick links, use the options below:

The Basics and Getting Started (registering an account, BUCS Captains Training Resource Pack)

Joining a team

Moving Participants into the team you're captain of

Finding fixtures (app) / Finding fixtures (desktop)

Selecting your team (app) / Selecting your team (desktop)

Approving or disputing a team sheet

Entering results (app) / entering results (desktop)

Finding league tables

Travelling to and from Fixtures

It is your responsibility to travel to and from sports fixtures, however, we are here to help!

The Sports Administrator will book a coach every week for those playing at Shenley. Departure and return times, and coach capacity will communicated to you through weekly fixture confirmation.

If you are competing outside of London in a BUCS fixture, you can request train tickets/coach travel in advance. Simply complete the travel request form and the Sports Administrator will be in touch.

The vast majority of fixtures will be accessible via public transport so this is your first option. If you are struggling to find the most efficient route to a fixture please contact the Sports Administrator.

Please read further information here.

Travel Reclaim Process

Captains, presidents and treasurers can create fixtures through their club's homepage. Simply select the fixtures tab, create a new fixture and complete the form in full. Every member added to a fixture will be able to create a travel reclaim by selecting the travel reclaim tab on their personal account. Once all travel reclaims have been uploaded, captains will need to approve/reject these and lock the fixture so that we can begin the reimbursement process.

Creating a fixture (Captains / Fixture Administrators)

Creating Travel Reclaims (All members of the fixture)

Accepting/Rejecting Travel Reclaims

Read more for further information on what will reimburse and what we require from you.

How to Book a Sports Facility (LUSL Captains)

LUSL captains will need to ensure that facilities are booked to accommodate your LUSL fixtures. Ideally you will have weekly bookings that can incorporate regular LUSL matches and/or training as well.

1. Contact a venue(s) to enquire about their availability.

2. When you are happy that the venue can meet your needs please complete a booking form in the name of your Club (e.g., Team UCL RUMS Tennis Club c/o Student's Union UCL Finance, 25 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY) and request an invoice. DO NOT SIGN A CONTRACT.

3. Your President or Treasurer can then submit a contract to the Club and Society Contract Webform along with a Purchase Request Form with your invoice.

4. We will get this signed and paid for!

BUCS Regulations

BUCS General Regulations

BUCS Sport Specific Regulations

BUCS Appendices

LUSL Rules & Regulations

We are refining our processes but helpful how-to guides will be released in time for you to get your teams ready for the start of a new season

BUCS Events

Upcoming BUCS Events can all be found on the BUCS Event Page.

It’s important to know when your BUCS Event is as far in advance as possible, as there can be a lot that goes into planning/preparing for each event.

Event Entry Process

Each student will need to enter themselves into a BUCS event on BUCS Play. The institution administrator will then review and accept these entries.

BUCS Play individual event entry process

BUCS Play team event entry process

Planning Process

If you're attending an event as an individual please get in contact with us and we will help get travel and accommodation arrangements in place.

If your club is attending the event then there are a number of things to plan

1. Confirm the number of students who will be attending and get them to sign up on BUCS Play as soon as possible.

2. Begin planning travel and accommodation arrangements and get in touch with us to confirm the costs of each of these expenses. We will be able to recommend places to stay, best methods of travel and provide quotes for this.

3. Complete an Activity Registration form that clearly details the total number of expenses and how these costs will be covered. Guidance on this is available.

4. Get your travel and accommodation arrangements booked! We can pre-book large numbers of train tickets or coach travel, or, you can book train tickets yourselves and get these reimbursed. We can process credit card payments for accommodation as well as pay any invoices for accommodation.

Important Dates

To be updated regularly throughout the season

Captains Training Resources

Contact Us

This is a developing webpage, so if there's something we've missed, or anything else you think may be useful, please drop us an email at [email protected] or complete this feedback webform.