Browse all the candidates in the Leadership Race 

Is there something you'd change at UCL? At Students’ Union UCL, we give you the power to push for these changes. The Union is led by students like you, and you get to shape it. If you want to make your voice heard, no matter how big or small the issue, there are several ways you can do so:

Speak to a Sabbatical Officer 

Our Sabbatical Officer Team are students who have been elected by you to lead the Union. They make key decisions at the Union and enact the changes you want to see so your best interests are at the forefront of everything they do. Throughout the years, they’ve made a great many changes to life at UCL. They’ve made sure there are free sanitary products in all Union loos, worked to have more microwaves on campus, got fair pay for PGTA’s and recently they’ve fought to make sure UCL students weren’t disadvantaged when doing exams during COVID-19. 

We have six Sabbatical Officers responsible for different aspects of the UCL experience - click on their photos to find out more about their aims, set up a meeting or ask a question. They want to hear what you think - if you have any issues, concerns or ideas, speak to them!

If you’ve like to become a Sabb yourself (you can even do this in your first year), make sure to apply in January. To get more info about this, or ask us any questions on this, email us at 

Speak to a part-time Student Officer

Working alongside their studies, Student Officers look after many things important to life at UCL including sustainability, accommodation and sports. Whilst completing their studies, Part-Time Officers also work to bring about change. This year, the officers have been pivotal in bringing together their communities to make sure people aren't lonely or forgotten about. Again, you can find their contact information on their individual pages.

Find your Academic Reps

Elected by you in October (look out for the Autumn elections when you’re here), we’ve got nearly 2,000 Academic Reps working to make your education better. From small things like making sure feedback is received on time to ensuring Postgraduate Teaching Assistants have fair pay and fair working hours; Academic Reps work to bridge the gap between students and departments/faculties.

We’ve got Hall Community Officers

We’ve also got students elected by residents in the respective residence. They work closely with the Accommodation Officer to take action on student housing issues within UCL and organise your events in Halls. Our Hall Community Officers will be elected at the end of October.

We’ve got Community and Inclusion Networks

To make campus a better place for different such as POC, carers LGBT+, those with disabilities and women, we’ve got specific networks dedicated to looking out for these groups. Join the networks to be a part of these communities. 

We want to hear your ideas!

When you’re ready to push for change yourself, you can start the drive for change by submitting an idea to us. Your idea will then be discussed in our policy zones, which are basically meetings where elected officers sit on to discuss your idea. This then goes to Union Executive where another group of students sit on and your idea then passes as policy once agreed by a majority of students.