It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Welcome to our Opportunity Finder bringing in all our opportunities tagged as ‘ One-Off Volunteering’ – use the filters to refine your search. You can start your search again by pressing ‘reset’.

You can also go back to view all opportunities, search by skills and view all our online volunteering opportunities.

You’ll need to be logged in to the website using your UCL credentials to make best use of our site. If you’re interested in a role, press ‘register interest’. You’ll then be able to see information about how to apply and it’ll be up to you whether or not to take things forward.

If you notice that information is missing from specific opportunities, or you’d like any support in finding the right volunteering opportunity, please drop us a line at [email protected]
My BIG Idea: DLR
Institute of Imagination
The Institute of Imagination are excited to present My BIG Idea: DLR
Walkie Talkie Tower Climb 2025 – Be Part of Something Sky-High!
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity
Think buzzing atmosphere, epic views, and a friendly crew of event makers helping people take on a stair-climbing challenge…
The UCL Charity Swimathon Volunteer
Students' Union UCL
Support the UCL Charity Swimathon! Be part of an inspiring event and support the UCL Charity Swimathon as a volunteer!…
Cheer Squad Volunteer
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
We would love you, your family and friends to become exclusive cheerers, a crucial part of supporting our wonderful…
National Autistic Society’s Spectrum Colour Walk Volunteer (2025)
The National Autistic Society
Spectrum Colour Walks is our in-person event for our flagship fundraising campaign World Autism Acceptance Month.This is a…
Charity Quiz Night Event Support Volunteer
Mencap (Royal Mencap Society)
We're on the lookout for passionate volunteers to join us at one of our events on Thursday April 10th. As a volunteer on the…
Call My Wine Bluff Event Support Volunteer - April 3rd
Mencap (Royal Mencap Society)
We're on the lookout for passionate volunteers to join us at one of our events on Thursday April 3rd. As a volunteer on the…
February Half-Term Holiday Project Volunteer
Solidarity Sports
We are a charity that harnesses the transformative power of play and exercise to help vulnerable children recover from…
After-School Club Volunteer
Solidarity Sports
We are a charity that harnesses the transformative power of play and exercise to help vulnerable children recover from…
Event Assistant @ TNB XPO 2025
The New Black Film Collective
The New Black Film Collective (TNBFC) is a nationwide network of film producers, educators and programmers of Black…
One-Off Pick & Pack Baby Bank Volunteer
Little Village
ONE-OFF VOLUNTEERING – Join us at one of our One-off Volunteering Days in 2025.  Help us spread love and kindness to…
Autism Spring Project Volunteer 2025
Kith & Kids
About Kith & KidsWe provide activities, opportunities, information, and support for people with a learning disability or…
Yucan Thrive/Yucan Shine
Yucan Thrive: Yucan Thrive is an 8-week program to support the well-being of young carers from schools across East…
Story Teller Training Sessions
Kindle Corner
Kindle Corner
Reviewer (brief scoping reviews, various topics)
Fulham Good Neighbours
We are seeking an enthusiastic, self-motivated, and independent MRes or PhD student with literature review skills to carry…