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Fulham Good Neighbours
Since 1966 Fulham Good Neighbours has supported older and disabled people in their homes and gardens, community and at our community centre, and now online.In 2019 we received The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.Our projects aim to:• Tackle older people's concerns raised in 2019 local Older People’s Commission (LBHF). These related mainly to: 1. access to services; 2. loneliness and…

We are seeking an enthusiastic, self-motivated, and independent MRes or PhD student with literature review skills to carry out one of the reviews listed below:

  • Horticultural interventions and older and disabled people wellbeing
  • Social/befriending interventions for older and disabled people and wellbeing
  • Chair-based exercise for older and disabled people and wellbeing
  • Scope of third sector organisation offers for wellbeing, how they measure impact

The anticipated output from this role includes a written report of findings from any review, with a summary of key findings relating directly to organisational priorities.


We would like you to:

  • Collaborate with key members of Fulham Good Neighbours staff
  • Regular updates (in person) with assigned member of Fulham Good Neighbours team
  • Co-create the review questions/purpose with Fulham Good Neighbours
  • Co-create a search strategy, including agreed key search terms
  • Co-create list of databases and sources
  • Carry out the search strategy
  • Tabulate results
  • Write up a summary of key findings

Time commitment

This role is available from May to August 2022 and we would encourage a commitment of 8 days across 16 weeks. This could be ½ day per week, 1 day/fortnight, or 2 days/month.

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.