Campus to Campus Challenge
If you're looking to take part in the Campus to Campus Virtual Challenge, we've got all the information listed here on how it works.
Things every postgrad needs to know
So you're about to start a postgraduate degree at UCL - congratulations! Here's our cheat sheet to getting to grips with life at UCL.
Only spending one year at UCL? Here's what you HAVE to do...
Maybe you’re starting a postgrad degree, or you’re about to embark on the final year of your course. You’re studying in one of the biggest cities of the world, and your wonderful Students’ Union (we’re blushing) have an unbelievable amount of events, opportunities, clubs and societies for you to get involved in – so what do you do?!
Postgrad Myth-Busting
So you're about to start your postgraduate studies at UCL - congratulations! You've made the right choice. UCL has a huge & lively postgrad community, and we're here to help you be as involved as you can.
"Volunteering makes me feel more hopeful, especially seeing the kids’ passion. It pretty much rubs off on you and it tells me that the world is going into good hands."
Eimear is a PhD student working in computational chemistry looking to apply her knowledge to renewable energy.
"I’m not only teaching them but the same time I'm constantly learning something as well"
Shiqi Li is studying Msc Translation and Technology (with interpreting) in Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry.
Make a social impact with your research and study skills!
Meet CRIS - The Community Research Initiative for StudentsWe are the Community Research Initiative for Students and we’re here to help you use your research and study skills to make a positive social impact.
Working full time as a Postgraduate student
Being a postgraduate student, in full-time employment is a different ball game. Sure, people do it all the time, but it definitely feels like trying to write 100 essays, keeping up with deadlines at work as well as trying to win the Nobel peace prize all at once - it is overwhelming. Here's how Anjora managed it all.
From undergrad to postgrad... What I would do differently
One of the main lessons I picked up from my undergrad was that a degree is more than the final grade you get; it is also the people you meet and the experiences you have...
A Postgraduate community at UCL?
As a Canadian transplant to London, starting my PhD meant so much more than adjusting to a new school, a new lab, and a new supervisor. Namely, I didn’t know anyone. It hasn’t always been easy, but after a few years and a lot of trial and error, I think I’ve found some strategies that work.
It’s never too late…
Any master’s student will tell you, an MSc degree can be transformative but intense. In my first term, I tried not to succumb to the enormous workload of the course by focusing all my attention on my academic work.
"Volunteering has helped me feel more at home in a foreign country!"
Nashwa Naushad is an MSc student studying Sustainable Urbanism. She's been spending her time helping at one-off events as well as ongoing placements - read her story to find out why she loves volunteering. 
"Engaging with the public is a great way to stay connected with the impact aims of your research."
Rebecca Shutt is a PhD researcher in the department of Physics and Astronomy, and has been volunteering. Have a read of her story below to see what it's like volunteering as a PhD student, why she enjoys leading scientific workshops and why she finds volunteering so rewarding.
Top tips for distance learning postgraduates like me
Written by Eleanor Booth, Department of Education, Practise and Society