Meet CRIS - The Community Research Initiative for Students

We are the Community Research Initiative for Students and we’re here to help you use your research and study skills to make a positive social impact. Acting as a bridge between research and the voluntary and community sector, we empower students to engage with different forms of knowledge and research practices than you might be taught in the classroom.

Why do we do this?

Well, we firmly believe that research needs to be done differently and involve different voices and perspectives – not just the university community. The voluntary & community sector is grounded in social issues, often the same as researchers, but with a totally different perspective and expertise so imagine bringing the perspectives and skills together?!

Our mission is to show you a new way to use your research and study skills that will make your time at UCL more meaningful, societally useful, and enjoyable!

Students tell us working with CRIS makes their time at uni more exciting and gives them a real sense of belonging at UCL and here in London. Students also have said that they learn valuable skills in cross sector working, consultancy, project management, and creative problem solving that have benefited them in their future career endeavours.

How can I get involved?

Our initiative has tons of ways for you to get involved. Whether you're an undergraduate or you're working on your PhD, we have opportunities for you to

Research volunteering - Available for undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctoral students

Put your academic skills to work outside of the classroom by conducting research for charities, community groups and non-profits on a voluntary basis. During your studies, you will have developed a myriad of research skills: critical thinking, reading widely and consolidating new information, managing data, presenting information, problem-solving.

Together with our charity partners, we've created volunteering opportunities where you can hone these research skills through engaging with real world problems. While you can gain cross-sector experience, the charities receive valuable research and evaluation to back up their important work. It's a win-win!

Click here to out all of our research volunteering opportuntities to get started.

Community Engaged Masters Dissertations - postgraduate students only

A core feature of the Community Research Initiative is the opportunity to carry out a collaborative dissertation project.

Through this collaboration, you will partner with voluntary & community organisations or community groups . You will plan and carry out a research project that will benefit the organisation and serve as your dissertation project! 

We have several ways for you to find a community partner that connects with you and your research goals. You can choose from existing ideas, submitted by our community partners, through our Community Noticeboard or we can approach community partners on your behalf -- this is our brokering service.

Click here to take the first step toward a community engaged dissertation project

Research Consultancy Training and the Pro Bono Research Service - doctoral students only

Our research consultancy training programme and Pro Bono Research Service is one of our most popular ways for doctoral students to use and develop their skills in consultancy while creating a real impact on the voluntary sector in London! 

Our Pro Bono Research Service offers community or nonprofit organisations a chance to sit down with our knowledgeable doctoral students to co-create solutions for their research and evaluation needs.  Our doctoral students work to set a research brief and leave organisations with a succinct proposal that will be posted to our UCL Volunteer directory to be taken up by a UCL student volunteer! Consultants can also choose to take up evaluation projects with our partner organisations.

Click here to check out our upcoming trainings to get involved with the programme

Want to see our students showcasing their amazing work?

Our Community Research Initiative Showcase gives our students and organisations the space to share and celebrate their collaborative work from each year. If you are looking for inspiration, want to see what we're all about, or want to learn more about the local community research intiatives taking place in London check out our latest recap