Get to know Eda

Read my manifesto here

What made you want to be a Sabbatical Officer? 

For me, becoming a Sabbatical Officer is all about reciprocating the sense of belonging and opportunity that UCL has gifted me. This university is where I've discovered my passions, forged lifelong friendships, and grown into the person I am today. The diversity and inclusivity of the UCL community have profoundly shaped my journey.

So, when I think about what I want to do with my time here, it's simple: I want to ensure that every student who walks through these doors feels the same sense of inclusion, acceptance, and freedom that I have felt.

That's what drives me to be an Equity and Inclusion Officer—to pay forward the kindness and support that UCL has shown me.

What impact would you like to have as a Sabbatical Officer?

My primary goal in this position is to serve as a dedicated Equity and Inclusion Officer for everyone. I am committed to ensuring that every student on campus feels included, represented, and safe.

As a passionate advocate for mental health, one of my top priorities is to enhance the equity and inclusion standards of UCL’s mental health services.

Additionally, as the first-ever UCL East student to take on a sabbatical position, I aim to bridge the gap between our campuses. I will work tirelessly to transform UCL East into a vibrant hub for all creatives and athletes, fostering a sense of community and ensuring the full integration of East students into campus life.

What has been the best part of your UCL experience so far?

My student life at UCL has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Born and raised in Turkey, I had limited opportunities to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. This is why I dedicated much of my time to making friends with people from all corners of the globe, broadening my worldview and deepening my cultural understanding.

Where else but at UCL could you spend your entire day in the library studying with an Indian friend, grab Thai food for lunch with a Singaporean friend, and end the day dancing to your favourite Latino songs at a Reggaeton night with Romanian friends?

The unique, multicultural environment at UCL has enriched my life in ways I never imagined, providing me with invaluable experiences and lifelong friendships.

Your advice to new students?

Step out of your comfort zone and connect with people from diverse backgrounds. *Embrace spontaneity—it's the key to creating unforgettable memories.

Make every single day count because your time here will pass by faster than you can imagine! The first few months might feel overwhelming, especially if it's your first time in London. If you ever feel this way, be kind to yourself and remember that our Sabb team is always here to support you.

Don't hesitate to reach out—we're here to help you navigate this exciting journey!

Blog posts
Our response to UCL's Stonewall decision
UCL have confirmed they will not re-join Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme or make a submission to the Workplace