Welcome to the UCL Jazz Society!
At the heart of the Society is our friendly, enthusiastic and diverse community of musicians, vocalists and jazz appreciators who love everything there is to love about jazz!
We host a variety of events and activities for all our members, from weekly choir rehearsals to regular Jam sessions. Whether you’ve never played any jazz before, are a pro performer already or you just enjoy the genre, we are here to welcome you with open arms!
READ BELOW to find out what Jazz Society 2024/2025 will look like:
Non-auditioned Choir: Join our regular in-person rehearsals on campus with our Choir instructor Ryan. The Choir rehearses every Tuesday between 18:00-21:00.
The Jam: The renowned UCL Jazz Society Jam is returning to Phineas every Tuesday from 24th September! Come along and watch our House Band perform at 20:00, which you can sign up to play in here. Join in with our fun, exciting and relaxed Jam from 21:00. You don’t need to prepare anything and you don't have to solo if you don’t want to - all instrumentalists and vocalists of any ability/experience are welcome, so come along and play some jazz standards together! Read our JAM FAQS to find out more.
Wednesday Workshops: Develop your jazz skills at our Workshops.
Non-auditioned Big Band: Every Thursday, 7-9pm, with our Big Band instructor Dan.
Socials: Follow us on social media (see below) to keep up to date with what social events we have lined up throughout the year!
Institute of Education Gigs: Our IOE gigs will be returning every Monday. Join us for a chilled session of the classic standards you're used to hearing - and lots that you aren't.
Your safety is our main priority. That’s why, in addition to our Core Risk Assessment, we’ve devised a Jazz Society COVID Policy and a Cupboard Risk Assessment, and we encourage you to read and familiarise yourselves with all these documents before attending our events so we can work together to keep everyone in the Society safe.
We encourage everyone who attends our events and activities to complete our Track and Trace form on the day of the event/activity. This is so we have all attendee details for if someone tests positive for COVID-19 after attending our events/activities. We will also be taking a register of attendance at each of our events/activities in addition to the information we will gather through the Track & Trace form, to ensure we have an accurate account of who is attending our events/activities.
You can find out more about how we’re keeping the Jazz Society safe here.
Collaborations: The Jazz Society has collaborated with a number of other UCL Societies and Clubs in recent years. In 2019, we collaborated with Live Music Society to create 'Get the Funk Out' in Mully's Bar, proceeds from which were donated to Mind charity. We also regularly collaborate with Stage Crew in our annual Bloomsbury performances and other performances across the year; Stage Crew are instrumental in the running of our shows through providing fab technical assistance. In 2020, we worked with Pi Media during Black History Month on a series of articles titled ‘Introduction to Black Jazz Artists Past and Present'. Topics covered included jazz within non-Western spaces, the London jazz scene, big names in jazz, and activism through jazz. This year, the Jazz Society is proud to be collaborating with Era Journal, whereby we are developing a ‘series’ that gives Jazz Society members the opportunity to produce articles for the Journal’s multiple sections across the entirety of the academic year.
Diversity and Inclusion:
Here at the Jazz Society, we are committed to fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for all students across the UCL community. We have collaborated with the Live Music society for our This Girl Can workshop in recent years, and hosted themed Jams focusing on celebrating under-represented groups, such as our female and international members. Our efforts to ensure the Society remains inclusive and welcoming has led to us winning the Diversity and Welfare Award for two years in a row.
We aim to build on this work throughout the next academic year through continuing the work of the previous Jazz Committee in developing the educational aspects of our work, through providing music recommendations in our weekly email, as well as profiles and context behind certain Jazz artists and music so that our members learn more about the History of Jazz.
You must have membership to attend any of our events. We have multiple membership options for you to choose from...
FULL £18 MEMBERSHIP: If you want to attend any in-person activity, including Choir and Big Band rehearsals, gigs, The Jam, IOE jams, workshops, social events, Jazzy footie, participation in shows, and all other in-person activity throughout the term/year, you must purchase our £18 membership. The exceptions to this are the first two weeks of ‘Give it a Go’ events.
FREE REMOTE MEMBERSHIP: All online events, including socials, online video submissions, and talks by external speakers, can be participated in/attended with our free remote membership. You can also stand and vote in our elections with this membership.
Make sure to grab your membership now, so that you'll be on our mailing list and receive our beloved weekly emails.
Find us on:
If you like to know more about the Society, please visit us on any of the following:
Website - https://ucl-jazz-society.carrd.co
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ucljazzsociety/?hl=en
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/UCLJazzSociety/
Email - su-jazz.society@ucl.ac.uk
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/nebegb9jrlu3f3ao0bs0sl741
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK-shHCTUNdzftE7gK4ROlg?view_as=subscr…
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on any of these platforms!
We can’t wait to welcome you to our Society, whether online or in-person, for another great year of Jazz Society fun!