UCL Women’s Basketball embodies UCL’s privilege of being renowned as ‘London’s global university’ as players unite from all over the world to have fun, improve their game, and form a team known for our fair-play mentality and strong team spirit. The club takes pride in this international aspect and the huge interest from overseas students is reflected as we are expanding steadily year by year.
To cater for players of all levels, we have 2 competitive teams in BUCS leagues, a competitive LUSL league, and recreational and development sessions. More experienced players compete in BUCS against teams from across the southeast, while the improving players and beginners face other London universities in LUSL. Our teams also play the BUCS and LUSL Cups during the season. BUCS teams train hard multiple times a week ensuring that players are fit and confident to win games throughout the season, especially the highly anticipated Varsity against Kings in March! Social players train every Friday, a bi-weekly joint training with our 2nd team, and Saturday.
Off the court, the team meets after matches to unwind over drinks, games and music on sports night, and at many other socials, including several alcohol-free socials, throughout the year – anything from board-game nights to bowling! Everyone is welcome to join, the more the merrier! Additionally, we show up to support all of our teams, ,as well as the men's teams, when our matches don't overlap.
We run volunteering events and fundraisers throughout the year to support our community. We also aim to provide academic support by pairing you with older years on similar degree pathways, and general help getting settled in London and making sure you feel connected within the club through an interclub mentorship program – Mums&Mums. We also have several international, postgraduate, and PhD students. This year available to both disabled and non-disabled students, new to TeamUCL, is wheelchair basketball! Additionally, we offer multiple opportunities for our players to become qualified table officials, referees, and coaches, partially funded by the union! We have two Pride in Sport representatives in our club and are proud allies of the LGBTQ+ community.
1st TEAM
Our 1st Team is one of UCL's High Performance Teams and will have regular strength and conditioning sessions organised monthly by TeamUCL and additional physiotherapy support will also be provided. The team plays in the BUCS 1st Division and the regional BUCS knockout cup. The team trains twice a week, including Monday evenings and Saturday mornings. Most fixtures are on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. This year, our 1st team has joined the London "Love Basketball" league where they will have the opportunity to gain more playing time on Thursday evenings.
2nd TEAM
Our 2nd Team plays in the BUCS 2nd Division and in the regional BUCS knockout cup. The team trains 3 times a week as well, including Monday and Thursday evenings (bi-weekly) and Saturday mornings. Most fixtures are on Wednesday afternoons and evenings.
Our LUSL Team plays with other London universities. If you're a less experienced player who wants to get more playing time or can only make weekend fixtures, the LUSL team is for you! Usually, the LUSL team trains every week on Thursday evenings and every Saturday morning. This is a fantastic way for everyone to get more game time and develop their basketball skills!
On Saturday mornings we run social basketball for players of all levels to come train. We try to provide a fun space where players from all skill levels can explore the game of basketball, learn the basics and enjoy some playing time. It's a great distraction from the stress of studies and a great way to meet new people!
Contact us!
Make sure you follow us on Instagram for all announcements and updates (including signups for trials and tasters!) – Turn on post notifications to know what’s happening as soon as it is released!
Instagram: @uclwb (please don't hesitate to DM us, we reply super quick!!)
Or just drop an email to su-womensbasketball@ucl.ac.uk (we will reply ASAP!!)
1. Where and when do you train?
1st Team
Monday, 20:30-22:00 Somers Town Community Sports Centre, 134 Chalton St, London NW1 1RX
Wednesday, usually most BUCS games will be scheduled
Thursdays, "Love Basketball" games
Saturday, 9:00-10:00 Somers Town Community Sports Centre, 134 Chalton St, London NW1 1RX
2nd Team
Monday, 19:00-21:00 SoleStar Arts, Heartlands High School, Station Road, Wood Green, London N22 6TN
Wednesday, usually most BUCS games will be scheduled
Every other Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 SoleStar Arts, Heartlands High School, Station Road, Wood Green, London N22 6TN
Saturday, 9:00-10:00 Somers Town Community Sports Centre, 134 Chalton St, London NW1 1RX
Every Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 SoleStar Arts, Heartlands High School, Station Road, Wood Green, London N22 6TN
Saturday, 10:00-11:00 Somers Town Community Sports Centre, 134 Chalton St, London NW1 1RX
Sunday, usually LUSL games will be scheduled
R&D Team
Saturday, 10:00-11:00 Somers Town Community Sports Centre, 134 Chalton St, London NW1 1RX
2. What membership should I buy?
Don’t buy a membership until after tasters and trials! We will inform players what teams they are on. You will need to buy a free ticket to attend any of our trials or social sessions – so make sure you buy tickets!
3. What is the difference between a trial and a taster session?
Our trials and tasters are free. Trials are for those who are more experienced and would like to join our BUCS competitive teams(1st and 2nd teams). Tasters are for those who are less experienced or never played basketball before, and just want to try basketball and have fun!!.
4. I’m not at UCL, can I still come to trials, tasters and training?
Sorry! Our sessions are only for current UCL students. If you are an affiliate student you can come to our training (including competitive!) but you won’t be able to play in our competitive games (but you can play in friendlies!). If you’re not sure what kind of student you are, DM us on social media, and we'll let you know.
5. What if I’m ill or can't attend the trials and taster sessions?
If you can't attend, don’t worry! Please don’t come in if you’re not feeling well. Either DM us on social media or email Chiara Ivaldi to let us know! We will find time for you to come and trial for a team.
6. Who should I contact for more specific questions?
DM us on social media or write us an email! We are quite speedy at replying!
7. How are you connected to the Men’s Basketball Club?
The Men’s have a separate club but we make sure to support each other's games (especially varsity!) and often run joint socials and training!
8. How can we sponsor your club?
We are welcoming sponsors this year, for sponsorship please contact us at - su-womensbasketball@ucl.ac.uk - for more information.
This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited
This club has been awarded a Bronze Development Award