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IDEA Society is the only UCL Society focused on emerging economies. We are part of an international network based in London called IDEAS Globally, which provides any globally-minded student the opportunity to become seriously involved with international development. We change lives by building social enterprises in emergent countries throughout the world.

The society will ultimately enable students to differentiate themselves in the global job market: many of our members have taken on high-profile internships and work in the United Nations (UN), World Bank, International Labour Organisation (ILO), several major banks and consultancy companies, following their unique business experience accrued in IDEAS Globally project teams. We are also affiliated with the EY Foundation.

With our membership, you will get a chance to access several opportunities:

  1. Run socially-entrepreneurial projects that engage deeply with major development problems in rapidly industrialising countries through weekly workshops where you will join a team to create a social enterprise from scratch working closely with our partners to ensure its success.
  2. Active involvement in our partner social enterprises Headline, MyGo and Synergy Learning Ltd  through voluntary or internship opportunities. This is directly transferable to creating an outstanding career in numerous fields including finance, management consultancy, advertising and marketing, PR, logistics, etc.
  3. Providing you with cutting-edge information about emerging markets, delivered from key political, business and academic leaders through Guest talks. 
  4. Connecting the best companies and industry-leaders working in emerging markets with you, through a range of networking events and our own International Development careers fair. 

With our Remote (Free) membership, you can attend our Socials, Guest Talks and Networking opportunities but with our Standard Membership, get access to our Pitch Competition (incubate your social enterprise), Hackathon and get involved with IDEAS Globally. 

What do our members say?

  1. 90% Say it has directly changed lives.
  2. 80% Agree IDEAS improved their employment options.
  3. 80% Said it really changed my CV.
  4. 100% Said they made fantastic friends.

Find out more about IDEAS Globally, keep up with events and more here!

Keep up to date with the society on WhatsApp!