Rep Elections 2024: Choose who represents you in your faculty, hall, and community Vote Now

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Our memberships:

  • Social membership allows members to attend all rides throughout the week and come along to all of our great socials!
  • Race membership gives individuals the opportunity to race in all our BUCS events (Time Trial - ITT and TTT, Road Race, Triathlon, and Duathlon) as well as our popular University of London race series. This includes a hill climb and summer crit series.

Our most popular ride is Regent’s Park training on a Wednesday - this will involve some social riding and some interval training. On weekends we will venture out into the countryside surrounding London. We try to cater for all riders and abilities, but if you are unsure or have any questions please feel free to contact Bethany (President), or Emily (Women's officer), or any of our lovely committee members.

Join our Whatsapp group (UCL Cycling Club 2024-25) and follow us on Instagram (UCLCyclingClub) for all ride details!

And don't hesitate to drop us a message or email. We are a super friendly and fun club, that is welcoming to all!


This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited



UCL Cycling Club have signed the Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Pledge.