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The votes have been counted, checked and verified. We can now share the results of this year's Rep Election. Thank you to everyone who voted - every vote helps makes sure you're better represented at UCL and your voices are heard.

5,880 students voted, the most ever in a Rep Election at UCL.

This smashes our previous record of 4,014 voters set in 2017 ? Check out the voter dashboard to see all the stats...

  • Congrats to Juggling & Circus Society who had the highest turnout of any club or society, with over 50% of members voting.
  • Campbell House East had the highest turnout for halls, with over 45% of residents voting.
  • Laws led for faculty turnout, whilst the brand-new Global Business School for Health led for department turnout.

Now, let's get onto the results...

Student Trustees

Congratulations to...

Read the manifestos for Student Trustees, Maheem Imran, Rachel T Lim, Xin Huang and Postgraduate Student Trustee Dimitris Dimitropoulos

Arts Officer

Congratulations to...

Read Lewis Murphy's manifesto

Sports Reps

Congratulations to...

See the rest of the results...

You can view all of the results here, including Hall Reps, Volunteering Reps and Network Committees. Congratulations to everyone who was successful, and a big thank you to everyone who put themselves forward.