Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Hi I'm Alice and I'd love to be your sports rep this year! As one of UCL Netball's senior committee members, I will bring an experienced voice to the sports rep role. Currently I am Welfare Officer, which means I know the importance of listening to the concerns of students within our sports community and making changes.

Having been on committee for two years, I have built strong relationships with not only those within the netball club but also those outside and so I have a good idea of what it is students want in order to make a positive difference to their university sporting experience.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

In this role, I want to ensure that voices from across as many different TeamUCL sports clubs as possible are heard and make sure that communication between students and TeamUCL is as easy as possible. 

I am someone that cares greatly about diversity and inclusivity and want to ensure that TeamUCL is a welcoming space for everyone. Hence, at the forefront of my ideas will be a drive to continue the hard work of the TeamUCL against hate campaign. I especially want to continue to encourage participation of underrepresented groups at UCL to sport through more taster sessions.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

In summary, I am a friendly face, reliable, and willing to go above and beyond in order to better the experience for everyone that is involved with sports at UCL. I am happy to speak up on issues that affect anyone within our community and particularly want to push for more awareness surrounding the benefits of sport for mental health, hopefully organising events to support this.

I can't wait to hopefully help make this year the best it possibly can be for you all (and of course this also includes varsity and the sports awards) so vote for me as your sports rep! :)