Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Hi everyone! I was a Sports Rep last year and I would like to expand on what we achieved and bring forward my knowledge and experience. Here's my additional experience with sport at UCL:

  • TeamUCL Sports Assistant for two years and in that time I have overseen the TeamUCL Leagues.
  • Project Active Assistant for one year. Organised and carried out all Welcome events for Project Active for 2021. Helped create the Postgraduate Summer initiative.
  • Current coach and player for UCL Dodgeball. Previously held other committee roles between dodgeball and cheer: Social sec, Volunteering sec, Captain.


What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I would primarily like to focus on sport provision/opportunities for postgraduate students as being a postgrad myself I have witnessed the importance of keeping active and getting involved with sport whilst dealing with the stresses of the degree. Although provision has significantly increased in recent years, I would like to focus on:

  • Increasing the awareness of and developing the Postgraduate Summer programme in collaboration with Project Active.
  • More postgrad only taster sessions/events with sports clubs.
  • Promote having a postgrad committee position within clubs. 

Separate to this, I would like to make sure that any home fixtures are well publicised to encourage spectators, support our teams and grow the UCL sports community. 



Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am dedicated to making sport provision at UCL the best it can be and to make sure that all students have as good an experience as I have being involved in TeamUCL and its sports clubs. I think it was really key last year to have someone who has knowledge of both sides of TeamUCL: working as a sports assistant and being a student in a sports club. This means I will be perfectly placed to deliver my policies as well as ensuring your voices are heard.