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While Charlie Cowan might be used to working backstage on theatre shows, we think it’s time we shone a light on all he’s achieved! We caught up with Charlie to ask him a few questions...  

So, Charlie, what societies have you been a part of and how did you first get involved? 

I've been involved with many societies at UCL but primarily in the Arts, the main three being Live Music Society, Stage Crew Society, and Musical Theatre Society. I've been on committee for all three and I tend to focus on the backstage aspects, whether that be being part of production teams or doing tech (mainly audio tech). 

I never actually did any arts, live music or audio tech before I came to UCL - I joined on a whim in Welcome Week and it's taken me across so many societies and taught me so many skills. 

What’s the best thing about being a part of a society whilst studying? 

I enjoy being part of societies because it allows me to de-stress from my degree and meet so many interesting and talented people, while creating opportunities for other people to do the same. 

If you had to pick a fave (soz) which one(s) would it be? 

My two favourites would be Live Music and Stage Crew - both societies work together to put on our Bloomsbury Theatre show ‘Rhapsody’ each year, which is basically a massive concert in a theatre.

I've been in the show every year and an Assistant Producer three times. It's been such a highlight every year because it's great fun for the cast, crew, and audience, while also showcasing UCL's amazing musical and design talent. It's pretty hard not to make friends when doing Rhapsody. 

What have you learnt about yourself through being a part of these societies?  

I've learnt that both learning from and teaching your peers and friends is incredibly rewarding. I'm Head Tech Officer for Live Music, and I've learnt so much about audio engineering and mixing, and how to engineer a room.

I've also learnt it all from fellow students and now I'm helping to teach the next generation, which has been another highlight of my year. 

And what’s been the most challenging thing? 

Dealing with the interpersonal dynamics that evolve in the arts has always been a challenge. Also just managing time and trying to learn new skills as I need them has been a constant challenge. Luckily there's been so many lovely people to learn from! 

Last but not least, what other skills have you developed through your involvement in societies? 

I've grown my network significantly, finding friends across UCL, doing all sorts of courses and degrees, and with all sorts of skills. Doing the arts has not only given connections in the music and theatre industries, but across so many fields, because of the wide attraction of the arts and music. 

Thanks Charlie!