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Farimah Beigi is a third year Biosciences student studying BSc Biochemistry - Molecular Biology. She shares her experience volunteering as a Marketing Executive for Project Impactive, with a particular focus on mental health for disabled individuals.

Farimah Beigi

Not only does volunteering give you the opportunity to make a difference in a cause you are passionate about, but it also allows you to develop your skills while doing so. Overall, it's an incredible experience.

Tell us a little about your volunteering.

In my second year, I was a marketing executive for Project Impactive. My role consisted of creating posts for social media roughy twice a week: mental health Mondays and work Wednesdays. Usually these consisted of mental health tips, particularly for disabled individuals, as well as tips for motivation and studying.

How did you find out about the role?

Through the UCL Volunteering Society.  

What difference do you feel you’ve made by volunteering?

I feel as though I have helped spread awareness about disabilities and accessibility, as well as mental health issues.

Why did you want to become a volunteer?

I found the mission of project impactive to be in line with my own beliefs. Thus, I found that the role was a perfect opportunity to make a difference regarding accessibility.

What impact has volunteering had on you?

Volunteering has enabled me to be better at managing my time. It has also improved my interpersonal and communication skills.

What’s the best thing about volunteering?

The best thing about volunteering is the rewarding feeling of having had an impact. Another, is being able to give ideas regarding improvements that could be made, and seeing those suggestions translate into tangible results.

And the most challenging? How did you overcome the challenges? 

The most challenging task was being able to come up with engaging and innovative ideas for posts on a regular basis, to make our social media have a better reach. However by having meetings with the social media team, the communication and the process of building on one anothers' ideas enabled us to keep our social media platforms engaging, relevant and active.

Tell us about something memorable that’s happened to you whilst volunteering.

Being able to come up with new ideas during meetings in a collaborative manner was quite memorable.

Would you recommend volunteering? If so, why?

I would absolutely recommend volunteering. Not only does volunteering give you the opportunity to make a difference in a cause you are passionate about, but it also allows you to develop your skills while doing so. Overall, it's an incredible experience.

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