Why You Should Vote in The Leadership Race
From 17 – 21 March, you can vote for your chosen candidates in this year's Leadership Race. As a UCL student, you have the power to shape the future of student life on campus.But why is it so important to vote? Let’s take a look.
Grad Scheme or Sabb Scheme?
Thinking about life after UCL? If you're looking at grad schemes and thinking about where you can go to get the most amount of experience possible, we might have just the thing for you. It’s not a normal grad scheme, it’s better.
Leadership Race: 'I represent and champion my community'
All areas of student life, from clubs, societies and networks to the whole the Students' Union, are led by an incredible group of student leaders, and you can be a student leader too.Each year thousands put themselves forward in the Leadership Race.
Leadership Race: 'I'm passionate about the impact I've had'
We caught up with Himanshu, last year's Societies Officer, to find out more about his leadership journey, and why putting yourself forward for this year's leadership race is a must.
What is the Leadership Race?
Make real change happen in the Leadership RaceIt's the largest student leadership campaign in the country.
Leadership Race: Harrison's Story
We caught up with Harrison to find out more about his leadership journey, and why putting yourself forward for this year's leadership race is a must.
Leadership Race: Rachel and Rawleka's Story
We caught up with Rachel and Rawleka, your People of Colour Officers, to find out more about their leadership journey and what having a seat at the table means to them.
Leadership Race: Jingyi's story
We caught up with Jingyi to find out more about her leadership journey, and why putting yourself forward for this year's leadership race is a must.
Leadership Race: Ellen's story
We caught up with Ellen to find out more about her leadership journey, and why putting yourself forward for this year's leadership race is a must.
Leadership Race 101
Taking part in the Leadership Race is easier than changing at
Leadership Race: Luisa's Story
All areas of student life, from clubs, societies and networks to the whole the Students' Union, are led by an incredible group of student leaders, and you can be a student leader too. Each year thousands put themselves forward in the Leadership Race.
'I am proud to be leading the process for establishing an inclusive and supportive community at UCL East.'
Dania Posso Hernandez (MSc Leadership and Management) is one of UCL East's first student officers. Alongside Peter Kanyike (whom she shares the role with), Dania has been working to create a vibrant student community within an entirely new campus!
'We established a family amongst the committee and made some incredible memories.'
Anniereetha Moses (Chemical Engineering MEng) was the Treasurer of Engineering Society (2022-23), one of our departmental societies and our largest STEM Society!
'My work with Pi and as Student Media Rep has been invaluable.'
Nell Wedgwood, a third year Linguistics BA student, was President of Pi Media and your Student Media Rep for 22/23. I joined Pi at the start of my first year, but I felt too nervous to actually get involved or write anything for a long time.
Being President: Pi Media
Leadership Race: Where are they now?
Since the Leadership Race began, we've been saying what an amazing opportunity this is - that apart from making change within the UCL community, being a student leader can help you grow as a person but it can also help you land your dream career. That the skills you learn and the experiences you have will stay with you, long after you’ve le
Leadership Race: Why YOU should run
Standing for the Leadership Race can open a great many doors, so whether you’re looking for a new opportunity, you’re looking to develop professionally or personally, or you just want to make new friends and meet new people, this is the way to do it! This is your chance to lead and make change.