Make real change happen in the Leadership Race
It's the largest student leadership campaign in the country.
Every year, you decide who is going to represent YOU.
For the past 130 years, students have been shaping UCL for the better. Generations after generations of student leaders have shaped how you experience UCL today. From activities to activism, student life wouldn't exist without students, like you, leading the way.
Each year in March, every UCL student votes to elect the leaders of the Students’ Union, their clubs, and societies. The people elected represent you. Starting work in the summer, they spend the next academic year making more happen at UCL with the Union empowering them to campaign on issues that matter most to you.
If you're thinking about making real change happen at UCL, express your interest today...
How does the Leadership Race work?
We recruit passionate students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, who want to make a difference at UCL, to develop skills in project management, teamwork, communications, and leadership by becoming part-time or full-time Student Officers.
Training is provided on campaigning, and when candidates are announced, they'll have the opportunity to develop their leadership style. If you're voted to be our next leader, you will be supported throughout the year by multiple teams in the Students' Union, along the way.
You'll gain valuable professional work experience on the grad Sabb Scheme, which you can take into the world beyond your time at UCL, while leaving your mark for generations to come.
See the full schedule, containing all the key dates to look out for, here.
What roles are available?
During the Leadership Race you can nominate yourself and vote for:
- The six full-time Sabbatical Officers who lead the Students’ Union.
- Student Officers, including the People of Colour (POC) Students’ Officer and Women’s Officer, who volunteer their time to represent students.
- The president or treasurer of your society.
- The president or treasurer of your sports club.
- Networks
- Student Trustees
What do Sabbatical officers do?
Picture yourself at the top - you'll be at the forefront of student advocacy, making key decisions across the Students' Union as a Director and Trustee for the students who elect you. As a Sabbatical Officer, you won't just be a representative – you'll be the driving force behind every aspect of student experiences at UCL.
- Become a Director and Trustee of a £15m organisation and oversee the Student Union's strategic direction, finances, budgeting, and decision-making, managing the Chief Executive and senior team
- Decide on the SU strategy and oversee the work of its services
- Work strategically with UCL to influence key decisions, practices, and policies
- Attend meetings with multiple departments across the Student Union to provide feedback on key developments and updates
- Work to achieve your manifesto objectives
- Be a point of contact for students and share their opinions across the Students' Union
- Plan events and activities across campus to increase student engagement
Serving as a Sabbatical Officer isn't just a role; it's the ultimate graduate scheme. In this paid position, you'll gain invaluable leadership skills, strategic thinking, and hands-on experience that will set you apart in the professional world.
There will be no shortage of mentors, coaching, and training to set you up for success. We'll support you to grow professionally and personally, so you can thrive as a leader. So, what are you waiting for? Be part of the legacy of student leaders who have left a huge impact and put yourself forward today.
Get in touch with the Representation and Democracy team, should you have any further questions - [email protected]