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We caught up with Jingyi to find out more about her leadership journey, and why putting yourself forward for this year's leadership race is a must.

Jingyi Ye is one of the part-time Volunteering Officers, working with a community of changemakers across UCL for social good.

What influenced you to put yourself forward to become a leader?

I'm actually interested in volunteering since the first year that I came to UCL because I met international students. This was actually my first time to like go abroad and study all by myself. I wanted to get to know London, meet new people, and do something outside of my studies. I love giving back to society, and the volunteering service offers a great way to do that. I also noticed that I could bring communities together, such as international students, who might feel isolated styding in a new country, so my experience inspired me going for the role.

Tell us about your leadership style?

I know I bring a lot to the table because I offer a different perspective as an international student, and I represent different voices in that way to bring more thoughts from Eatersn cultures to the union so more voices can be heard, particularly East Asian students. An important part of being a leader is also being very approachable and friendly. I always want people to ask me things and am ready to help anyone who needs it.

How would your younger self react if they could see you now?

To be honest, I think my younger self would probably not be surprised to see that I'm taking part in a leadership role now because I've always been a leader in group projects, and it's naturally something I want to do. I think my younger self would be really happy to see the changes I have been able to make to the Volunteering Service and to represent different voices. It is a big achievement!

What advise can you give to someone who is thinking of running?

Make your campaign fun and interesting! Also, ensure you follow your ambition and communicate that clearly so people understand the impact you can make.

Finally, why should you put yourself forward for the leadership race?

You should put yourself forward for the leadership race because it makes your time at UCL more interesting! It's a great way to meet new people that you wouldn't meet otherwise.