What would you like the Union to do?
I would like the union to renew the recently relapsed Amazon vouchers and products policy: https://studentsunionucl.org/policy/up2007/use-of-amazon-vouchers-and-products
Why would you like to do this?
I won't copy down the entirety of the policy, but will say that Amazon remains an unethical and monopolistic company, which continues to exploit its workers and support union-busting activity, as cited in the original policy. Students' Union UCL should support and use companies which reflect our values.
How will this affect students?
By pushing against the use of Amazon vouchers and products, the union, and student groups within, can instead buy products and vouchers from smaller companies, supporting smaller, local businesses. Although Amazon is a cheap and convenient for students, products accessible via Amazon can almost always be found in other shops and online retailers across London, so when it comes to buying products for the use of student groups or the union in general, student groups shouldn't have difficulty choosing alternate options.