Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

UoL and Birkbeck, what are you doing to our space?
More than two months have passed since we learnt that Birkbeck had acquired the lease for the Student Central building with plans to remove the swimming pool and all of the activity space. Birkbeck gets the keys on 23 July and we’re trying everything we can to get them to see sense and save this essential save student space.
Meet the Sabbatical Officers representing you this year
Meet the new team of Sabbatical Officers elected to make life better at UCL, find out who they are and what they plan to do for you... 
Volunteering 'contributes to a collective sense of wellbeing'
Kirsty Goodman is an MRes/PhD student in the Department of Security and Crime Science.
Education Awards 2021: The Winners
Welcome to the 2021 Education Awards The Student Choice Awards give students the chance to thank members of staff who have inspired and supported them during their time at UCL, letting these staff members know that their hard work makes
Clubs, Arts, Societies and Volunteering Awards 2021
The impact made by clubs, societies and volunteers this year has never been greater. Faced with uncertainty, relentless challenges, and a world that felt unimaginable a year earlier, students took the lead. They built communities, offered sanctuaries of support, and gave their time to make the year better for others.
Amy has had the chance to work with a Director who "has been so supportive, always making sure you are getting something out of the voluntary work"
Amy Cotter is a Masters student studying MSc Social Policy and Social Research in the Institute of Education.
Save Our Pool!
Help us save the swimming pool in the Student Central building, a vital resource for students in London.
Mental Health and Volunteering - What’s the Connection?
In the spirit of mental health awareness week, we’re sharing the links between mental wellbeing and volunteering. Volunteers have a massive impact on the mental health of others - and volunteers benefit from it too. 
Things to look out for when doing your exams
We know that sitting exams online and at home will be a new experience for many students. We have therefore put together a list of a few things to look out for when completing your exams this spring.Manage your time
The Road Back to Normal
The next stage of reopening campus begins on Monday 17 May. It’s been a long and difficult few months, but we’re slowly getting back to doing all the things we love so much.
Mental Health Awareness Week
The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week this year is nature. There is a clear link between spending time in nature and positive wellbeing, as you may have discovered over the course of the last year!
Unexpected disruptions to your exams or assessments
As we head towards the main exam period, it is possible that your revision or exams may be unexpectedly disrupted. If your assessments are impacted by serious events such as illness, bereavement or self-isolation, you can apply for Extenuating Circumstances.
Why is getting students back to campus at the earliest possible opportunity no longer a priority?
The Government announcement this week that a “return to in-person teaching [will be] alongside step 3 of the road map, when restrictions on social contact will be eased further and the majority of indoor settings can reopen”
Shortlist Announced for The Education Awards 2021
The annual Education Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of staff and students and their contributions to our learning community through the following awards:
Our research into the student experience this year, and the case for fee refunds
On 22 March, we met with Universities Minister, Michelle Donelan MP, to make the case for tuition fee refunds and continued support for students this year. After a productive and wide-ranging conversation, we shared the following Insight Report with her:
Tips for remote studying
11 tips to be precise...Preparing for exams can be a difficult process at the best of times, let alone in the current lockdown conditions. To try and help navigate these exceptional circumstances, we’ve put together some tips on how to prepare for your upcoming assessments and to look after yourself whilst studying remotely. 
Covid-19: Our Roadmap to reopening
In line with the latest government announcements, outdoor sports facilities are permitted to reopen and be used by groups no larger than six people from Monday 29 March.
Leadership Race: The Results
The votes are in the count is complete.9,473 of you voted. The most ever at UCL. That’s 19.58% of all UCL students, 60% higher than last year.
Liberation Officers: Question the Candidates
We spoke to the Liberation Officers running in this year's Leadership Race so you could get a better idea of who they are and what they stand for. We asked them these questions:
Leadership Race, candidates announced
It's the biggest election UCL has ever seen! 1,000s of students have put themselves forward to make a difference, come and have a look at what they plan to do for you.