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Yalin & Hannah are UCL students working with UCL Ukrainian Society and In Aid Of Unicef Society to raise money to support Ukrainians affected by ongoing conflict. Ahead of their upcoming fundraising concert, we spoke to them to find out a little more about project #UniteWithUkraine...

Hi Yalin & Hannah! Tell us a bit about yourselves...

Yalin:  Hey everyone! I’m Yalin and I’m a second year Economics student. I’ve volunteered as a tutor in secondary schools, participated in a social hackathon and organised bake sales to fundraise for charities before! This year, I am one of the Student Union’s Volunteering Officers and I look forward to another year of amazing volunteering at UCL! 

Hannah: Hello everyone! I am also currently in my second-year studying Economics. I played the violin in UCL’s Symphony Orchestra and with my church orchestra last year! I’ve also joined medical mission trips to aboriginal villages back in Malaysia(my home country) and volunteered at the National Zoo and National Cancer Society back at home.  

Our two friends - Amy and Jingyi who study in the same course are also the co-organisers of the fundraising project. They have been a great help whenever any of us had too much on our plate.  

Tell us more about what inspired your project!

Yalin: Hannah came up with the idea to support the people in Ukraine who are affected by the current conflict. The goal of this fundraising project is to those who are less fortunate than we are. We want to bring people together to proactively support a nation in need. Staying updated on the developments of the crisis and feeling sorry for those affected is not enough, we should help out however we can! As Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

Even though the war is still ongoing, aid is dwindling and more people are getting desensitized to the current crisis in Ukraine. However the losses in Ukraine will be felt even in the years to come - they will need all the support to rebuild their home and economy.  

Your upcoming fundraising concert sounds incredible - how did you come up with the idea? 

Hannah: Yalin is an avid fundraiser and first suggested we start our own fundraising project. As the war between Russia and Ukraine had erupted not too long ago then, we figured out that many families and children would lose the lives they once had - a home, schooling, food…Sadly many would also be bereft of family members who stayed back to defend their homeland. Hence the idea of a fundraising concert to support the Ukrainians was born.  

All funds raised through ticket sales, the selling of Ukrainian products, handmade art and craft, and donations to our Justgiving page, minus expenses will be donated to the UNICEF UK (Registered Charity Number: 1072612), as part of the UNICEF Ukraine Appeal to help children and families in need during this difficult time.  

What can students expect to see at the concert? 

Hannah: Our concert includes a variety of performances from individuals and societies across UCL. For students who are interested in the local culture, we have a string orchestra and solo performance who will be performing Ukrainian composed songs, folk music and the national anthem. Our concert features many other diverse productions, including K-pop dances, Chinese choir, band performances and even a magic show. We will also be selling handmade bracelets made by Yalin herself, cupcakes(with vegan option) and Ukrainian snacks! 

If you would like to make an additional donation, or if you are unable to come on the day of the concert but would still like to contribute to the cause, you can make a donation through this JustGiving page. You can also support us by sharing the details around with your friends so that more people can contribute. 

What advice would you give to other students hoping to start their own fundraising project? 

Hannah: Working on a fundraising project can be a fun activity to do with your friends - it helps you deepen friendships beyond the classroom. You also hone your transferable skills and learn to be a good team player. University is a good time to try out new things like this - UCL Students' Union has been extremely supportive in developing our ideas and guiding us along the way. We would not have been able to launch our concert successfully without the help of the Union. As well as this, many individuals, clubs and societies reached out to us and were happy to collaborate, offer performances and even lend us the necessary equipment. All in all - if you have an idea for a fundraising project, bring it up with the Union and your friends! You will never know the potential impact of your project if you don’t try! 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the student-led project team at the Union, they are very friendly and will help you turn your ideas into reality! 

Want to start your own project? Our Volunteering Service are here to help you! Check out more information about starting your own Student-Led Project here.