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Join now

UCL Gliding Club provides easy access to the incredible sport of gliding. Winch launch for just £12.5!

No experience or medical statement is required to join and instruction lessons are provided free of charge.



Please contact us (wechat id:WBT777778888899999) for a WeChat group.

You will mostly receive training in our very own ASK21 two-seat training glider, with no soaring fees! We also own two single seat gliders, an ASW19 and a K6, for pilots who reach solo standard. We fly every weekends at the reputable RAF Halton airfield all year round (weather permitting, including during the spring and summer breaks). 

For an opportunity to get to know other UCL Gliding Club members, join us for our fun socials. During the spring and summer months, expeditions are held to other gliding sites such as our annual expedition to the renowned Portmoak airfield in Scotland.

Once you buy membership please add the facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/829659802168765/

Please note that we're unable to offer free trial session due to the high costs of insurance and temporary memberships at our airfield. Please buy our full Students or Alumni membership if you wish to come fly with us.



This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited

UCL Gliding Club have signed the Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Pledge.