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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Read more about the role of the Student Trustees here.

Two Student Trustees have been elected, with at least one being a postgraduate student. Your term will run from 1 November 2023 to 31 October (or when you cease to be a student at UCL).

These are the results for the successful postgraduate Student Trustee. 

Please click here for the successful undergraduate Student Trustee. 

If you have any questions about the position, please contact [email protected].




Re-open nominations is a winner

Count information

Date count run 27 Oct 2023
Election rules ERS97 STV
Candidates running 7
Available position 1
Total ballots 292
Valid votes 132
Invalid votes 160

Round 1

Lydia Bellaouane [15624] 4.00
Kareena Rajani [15626] 24.00
Filipe Costa Figueiredo [15627] 25.00
Muge Karan [15634] 16.00
Harry Sun [15635] 19.00
Serena Tedros [15638] 38.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 6.00
Exhausted 0.00
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 66.00

Count of first choices. The initial quota is 66.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 2

Lydia Bellaouane [15624] 0.00
Kareena Rajani [15626] 24.00
Filipe Costa Figueiredo [15627] 26.00
Muge Karan [15634] 16.00
Harry Sun [15635] 19.00
Serena Tedros [15638] 39.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 0.00
Exhausted 8.00
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 62.00

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Lydia Bellaouane [15624] and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 62.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 3

Lydia Bellaouane [15624] 0.00
Kareena Rajani [15626] 26.00
Filipe Costa Figueiredo [15627] 28.00
Muge Karan [15634] 0.00
Harry Sun [15635] 20.00
Serena Tedros [15638] 45.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 0.00
Exhausted 13.00
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 59.50

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Muge Karan [15634]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 59.50. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 4

Lydia Bellaouane [15624] 0.00
Kareena Rajani [15626] 29.00
Filipe Costa Figueiredo [15627] 30.00
Muge Karan [15634] 0.00
Harry Sun [15635] 0.00
Serena Tedros [15638] 46.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 0.00
Exhausted 27.00
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 52.50

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Harry Sun [15635]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 52.50. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 5

Lydia Bellaouane [15624] 0.00
Kareena Rajani [15626] 0.00
Filipe Costa Figueiredo [15627] 35.00
Muge Karan [15634] 0.00
Harry Sun [15635] 0.00
Serena Tedros [15638] 49.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 0.00
Exhausted 48.00
Surplus 7.00
Threshold 42.00

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Kareena Rajani [15626]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 42.00. Candidate Serena Tedros [15638] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Serena Tedros [15638].


Filipe Costa Figueiredo
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to bring a student perspective to the Students' Union UCL, to ensure that the SU provides services for a diverse range of student life activities and support, as well representing UCL students and the SU locally and nationally. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have relevant experience as a student trustee and NED at Bristol SU, elected in my first-year for the term of 2020-21. During this role, I was exposed to how board meetings are held, voted in motions and proposals, helped out in sub-committees regarding specific issues, and oversaw the charity's accounts. 

I have also volunteered at a variety of NGOs, including the British Heart Foundation, Bristol Hub, Young Lives VS Cancer, and Oxfam. This has given me a well-rounded view of how charities operate, their different departments, and their challenges. 


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a student who is passionate about representing students' and working for them, I hope that I am able to provide a student perspective for what is best for the SU to pursue in terms of policies, rhetoric, and services in light of its missions and visions. I am to do this with my previous work and volunteer experiences, as well as my interest in good governance. 

Serena Tedros (she/her )
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

As a student trustee, my  goal is to provide an environment for all UCL students where they feel supported and heard. I aim to ensure their priorities are met and actions are taken within the best interest of students, and that there is a level of transparency in decision making. 

Ensure opportunities are better advertised  in regard to internships, work experience and volunteering, so that students can build their skills and employability. 

Enhance student engagement through holding events that are catered specifically to all levels of students from foundation year to PhD.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  • 5 years of studying (1 year and QMUL, 3 years at KCL and 1 year at UCL) 
  • 1 year of working at both UCL East and Bloomsbury Student's Union 
  • Currently lead a volunteering project at the Student's Union 
  • Completed 6 months of Trustees training  
  • Won and implemented a £5000 grant for a charity to improve awareness of students with learning disabilities. Skills included:  project management, public speaking, stakeholder analysis and financial planning
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I actually care and have a deep routed ambition to create a positive experience for people. I am passionate and driven to make sure the union is responsible and acts in the best interest of the students. Additionally, I want students to leave UCL feeling that they were able to make the most out of their time at university, and had the opportunity to explore and pursue their interests, and above all were represented in Student's Union. 

Lydia Bellaouane (She/her)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?



I’m nominating myself for the student trustee position to make a difference. As a first generation immigrant and the first to get a masters in my family, I want to represent people like me, empower them and give them a voice. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have previously been the student course rep for the second year biomedical science cohort and I have some experience as a brand ambassador for Kingston university as well as assisting for the open days and overall, I’m quite proud of the work I have put in the past few years. I’ve worked with people who have different backgrounds, I’ve felt with difficult situations and I showed resilience and compassion when needed. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a first generation immigrant, from a Muslim and Arab background, I can represent students with the same background and share their experiences. As someone who struggled with being in a new country, in a new environment, struggled to find a sense of belonging in a place that I needed to consider home- I can really help students who are going through the same process, help them find themselves, find their purpose, and most of all, I will make sure that anyone- despite their circumstances, geo-economic background- feels safe, heard and understood 

Kareena Rajani (She/Her)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I draw immense inspiration from the impactful work of the Student Union, which I recognize as crucial, given my own background without such opportunities. If elected, I'm committed to ensuring the financial stability of the Student Union at UCL, fostering its growth and impact. With a medical background and a master's degree in the leadership route of global healthcare management, I possess the skills to make sound decisions, uphold UCL's values, and champion its mission. I will tirelessly leverage my experience to secure financial stability and ensure the Student Union's enduring success.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a postgrad in global healthcare management (leadership route), I offer a unique blend of skills and experience for the Student Trustee role. My academic pursuits have equipped me with the ability to make critical decisions and navigate complex financial considerations, which are essential for ensuring the Student Union's stability. My experience as a doctor and healthcare leader aligns perfectly with the core values of Student Trustees, (selflessness, integrity, leadership, accountability) ensuring I can effectively contribute to tis role and make a meaningful impact.


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

With a background in global healthcare management and leadership, I possess the skills needed for critical decision-making and financial oversight, ensuring the Student Union's stability and growth. My dedication to values such as selflessness, integrity, accountability, honesty, and leadership mirrors those held dear by the Student Trustees, guaranteeing my effective contribution to the role. By voting for me, students can be confident in electing a candidate who is well-prepared to make a meaningful impact and secure the lasting success of the Student Union at UCL.

Harry Sun
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. Better representation for our diverse international student community. Apart from understanding the challenges facing international students, I am also fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese, so I can support you in these languages.
  2. Better transparency and increased public oversight. Our students deserve to know what our Students’ Union gets up to. Let’s make it easier for students to keep the SU in check.
  3. Push a student-centric agenda, such as enhancing Cost-Of-Living support for students. Ensure that any major policy decisions are only taken with a student vote.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Experience: I served as a Student Trustee at the University of Warwick. I know how challenging the workload of a trustee is and have therefore set aside enough time to fully commit to the role.

Proven track record: I am an incoming trainee solicitor at Ashurst LLP, a premier international law firm. Looking beyond careers, this demonstrates a proven track record of upholding trust.

International perspective: UCL is incredibly diverse. Being an international postgraduate student, I understand the challenges facing both the international and postgraduate student communities.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

If I am elected:

  1. I will use my experience serving as Trustee of Warwick SU to help me be a more effective trustee. I understand how challenging this role is, and I have the relevant skills and training to help me make the most of your vote.
  2. I will be accountable, and continually push for greater transparency. I will make sure that students are consulted before any major Union decision, and make sure that you know what your elected officers are up to.
  3. I will use my experience as an international postgraduate student to your advantage. Vote for someone who understands your challenges.
Muge Karan (she/her)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • My primary focus is to ensure financial stability through effective financial management and responsible budgeting, while upholding the highest standard of legal compliance and governance.
  • Additionally, I intend to provide strategic oversight and actively contribute to shaping the Union's trajectory through continuous progress and performance monitoring, informed directly by students' feedback.
  • I hope to contribute to decisions that have a positive and lasting impact on the Union's ability to carry out its mission effectively.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  • I have been a Student Representative all throughout my undergraduate studies as a psychology student at UCL. Selected to be the Lead Department Representative as a finalist, I collaborated with fellow student reps and staff to defend student interests. 
  • I co-founded the Psychology Society after it shut down during the pandemic. As our cohort started to study during the pandemic, I organised events to create a sense of community, to tackle the marked feeling of disconnect.
  • My passion to serve my community has led me to volunteer, notably with Mind in Camden as a Community Mentor.
Please summarise why students should vote for you.
  • Continuing my studies as a postgraduate student at UCL after my undergraduate degree represents the opportunity to give back to the student community which has profoundly shaped the person I have become.
  • To this day, I believe I have carried out the leadership responsibilities I have had with selflessness, objectivity and openness.
  • It would be an honour to use my skills and experience to contribute to shaping the Students' Union's direction based on the protection of its values!