Students Union UCL is a registered charity. As a charity Trustee, you will be a member of the Trustee Board that ensures Students Union UCL has the necessary financial and structural stability to carry out its aims effectively. On a practical level this means you need to be able to make major decisions on legal and financial issues and ensure that Students Union UCL is delivering on the political policy set by the elected representatives of Students Union UCL.
What is Students' Union UCL's legal status?
Students' Union UCL is a charitable company limited by guarantee (incorporated).
As a Trustee you will have a legal responsibility to act only in the best interests of Students' Union UCL, putting the Union’s interests before any of your own.
Trustees are expected to act in accordance with the Nolan Committee’s Seven Principles of Public Life, namely: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
It is important that you are aware of the legal responsibilities of being a Trustee before you apply. You can read more information from the Charity Commission here. The Charity Commission also have guidance on the role of Trustee called The Essential Trustee: what you need to know. Students' Union UCL will give you comprehensive training on how to carry out these duties. If you have any questions about Students' Union UCL’s legal status or the legal responsibilities of being a Trustee please contact the Board Secretary, Simon To.
Explanation of Trustee Roles
The Trustees of a charity the size of Students' Union UCL are in a position of real responsibility. As a Trustee you will be expected to make selfless and impartial decisions on the running of the charity to make sure that our operation is both financially stable and legally sound. Meeting once every quarter, the Trustee Board monitors Students' Union UCL's strategic direction and reviews its performance. Being a Trustee gives you the opportunity to be a finger on the guiding hand of Students' Union UCL.
Student Trustee
There are four Student Trustees who reflect the demographic of the whole student body, from freshers through to postgraduates. Two Student Trustees are elected by cross-campus ballot in March and two again in October for a twelve-month period.
Sabbatical Trustee
All of the Sabbatical Officers are Sabbatical Trustees. They carry out their duties as laid down by the Memorandum and Articles, the Bye-Laws, and Union Policy.
External Trustee (UCL, Alumni & Professional)
There are three external Trustees - one members of UCL staff, one Alumni members, who have graduated over five years previously and one professional member who is unconnected to UCL. External Trustees are appointed for a term of four years. You can find further information on our current trustees here.
How much time is involved?
The Students' Union UCL Trustee Board currently meets five times per year. The meeting dates and past minutes are available online.
The meetings usually last from 6-9pm and take place on the main UCL campus.
Trustee induction and training is provided.
Trustees are appointed to Trustee Board sub-committees: Finance Committee, Governance Committee and Risk & Audit Committee, which meet two to four times a year.
Board papers are circulated at least five working days before the meeting and need to be thoroughly read through.
All Trustees are welcome to attend other Union meetings and events, such as Union Executive that take place during the year.
If you have any questions regarding the Student Trustee Role, please contact the Board Secretary, Simon To (
All returning UCL students can nominate themselves for the role.
As per Charity Commission guidance, you cannot be employed by the Union during your term in Office.