Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

As a student trustee, my  goal is to provide an environment for all UCL students where they feel supported and heard. I aim to ensure their priorities are met and actions are taken within the best interest of students, and that there is a level of transparency in decision making. 

Ensure opportunities are better advertised  in regard to internships, work experience and volunteering, so that students can build their skills and employability. 

Enhance student engagement through holding events that are catered specifically to all levels of students from foundation year to PhD.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  • 5 years of studying (1 year and QMUL, 3 years at KCL and 1 year at UCL) 
  • 1 year of working at both UCL East and Bloomsbury Student's Union 
  • Currently lead a volunteering project at the Student's Union 
  • Completed 6 months of Trustees training  
  • Won and implemented a £5000 grant for a charity to improve awareness of students with learning disabilities. Skills included:  project management, public speaking, stakeholder analysis and financial planning
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I actually care and have a deep routed ambition to create a positive experience for people. I am passionate and driven to make sure the union is responsible and acts in the best interest of the students. Additionally, I want students to leave UCL feeling that they were able to make the most out of their time at university, and had the opportunity to explore and pursue their interests, and above all were represented in Student's Union. 

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