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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Students' Union UCL is affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS) and will send a delegation of students to this year's national conference between in March 2023. The Conference's location and exact date will be confirmed shortly. 

Eleven delegates will be elected as part of the Leadership Race and as per NUS policy, 50% of the delegation must self-identify as a woman. 

The self-identification election results can be found here.

Re-open nominations is a winner

Count information

Date count run 28 Oct 2022
Election rules ERS97 STV
Candidates running 8
Available positions 7
Total ballots 1232
Valid votes 1091
Invalid votes 141

Round 1

Talal Ahmad [10812] 125.00
Johnathan L Chan [10818] 154.00
Musa Siddiqui [10829] 59.00
Stefan [10831] 228.00
Patrick O'Malley [10838] 293.00
Muhammad Umair Mehmood [10855] 47.00
Hamza Nawaz [10888] 63.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 122.00
Exhausted 0.00
Surplus 265.86
Threshold 136.38

Count of first choices. The initial quota is 136.38. Candidates Johnathan L Chan [10818], Stefan [10831], and Patrick O'Malley [10838] have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.

Round 2

Talal Ahmad [10812] 155.00
Johnathan L Chan [10818] 154.00
Musa Siddiqui [10829] 81.00
Stefan [10831] 228.00
Patrick O'Malley [10838] 136.38
Muhammad Umair Mehmood [10855] 62.00
Hamza Nawaz [10888] 84.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 137.00
Exhausted 53.62
Surplus 128.48
Threshold 118.50

Count after transferring surplus votes from Patrick O'Malley [10838]. Candidates Talal Ahmad [10812] and RON (Re-open Nominations) have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.

Round 3

Talal Ahmad [10812] 155.00
Johnathan L Chan [10818] 154.00
Musa Siddiqui [10829] 98.00
Stefan [10831] 136.38
Patrick O'Malley [10838] 136.38
Muhammad Umair Mehmood [10855] 82.00
Hamza Nawaz [10888] 106.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 137.00
Exhausted 86.24
Surplus 36.86
Threshold 107.62

Count after transferring surplus votes from Stefan [10831]. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.

Round 4

Talal Ahmad [10812] 136.38
Johnathan L Chan [10818] 154.00
Musa Siddiqui [10829] 106.37
Stefan [10831] 136.38
Patrick O'Malley [10838] 136.38
Muhammad Umair Mehmood [10855] 85.72
Hamza Nawaz [10888] 112.51
RON (Re-open Nominations) 137.00
Exhausted 86.26
Surplus 18.24
Threshold 105.17

Count after transferring surplus votes from Talal Ahmad [10812]. Candidate Hamza Nawaz [10888] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidate Musa Siddiqui [10829] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Talal Ahmad [10812], Johnathan L Chan [10818], Musa Siddiqui [10829], Stefan [10831], Patrick O'Malley [10838], Hamza Nawaz [10888], and RON (Re-open Nominations).


Johnathan L Chan
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Hi! My name is Johnathan, and I am a second-year BSc Social Science with Data Science Student. I am running to become an NUS delegate to represent student voices at a national level. As an elected NUS delegate, I hope to achieve:

Solution to the Cost-of-Living Crisis: The NUS surveyed 3500 students and discovered that 96% of students were cutting back on spending and around a third only have £50 left after bills. I wish to amend this policy proposal and highlight raising financial aid through scholarships and grants to decrease pressure on students.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Further support to International Students: Many NUS campaigns (like the Cost-of-Living Campaign) do not extend to international students. I wish to highlight this issue at the NUS conference and advocate for greater inclusion of international students in NUS campaigns. I hope that this will lay the foundation for future campaigns specifically for international students regarding the extension of post-graduation visas.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Better Representation and Transparency: I will collaborate with other student governing bodies and NUS delegates to create a transparent community space on discord. This will allow the UCL student body to discuss wider concerns as well as participate in proposing, reforming, and scrutinizing policy proposals.

With your support, I hope to work with the NUS to address the issues discussed and create a better, lasting framework for NUS delegations with increased accessibility in the long run. If you believe in the betterment of students, join me, and let’s, bring our goals to fruition!

Hamza Nawaz
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

This role will not only polish my current interpersonal and leadership skills but also will allow me to interact and network with a like-minded student body at the conference. I enthusiastically aim to develop life-long, healthy connections with students from various institutes and for that, I will represent the UCL student body in the most effective and positive manner if granted this opportunity. Furthermore, my plan is to explore and learn in a multitude of avenues including educational, communicational, and extra-curricular aspects from the NUS experience.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have gained confidence and experience in the field of representing students since high school. Being elected as the deputy Headboy in 2017-2018, in Beaconhouse Margalla Campus Islamabad, and then the Headboy in 2018-2019, I have gathered a lot of experience in being the voice for students; I led 25 Executive Council meetings and 30 events; I was the Head Organiser of 14 productive social-awareness events. My passion has been leading the student body from the front. Moreover, being the Head of Community at UCL Venture Capital Club has trained me to respond to students' demands effectively. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Being a public speaker throughout my life, I have not only organised student-led conferences like the BMI Debating Conference and the London Start-up Fair (LSF), but also have participated in the conferences speaking on behalf of my institute (UCL) and its students. Underlying this initiative is my drive to promote a positive social atmosphere for students. I have served the student body as the Executive at UCL Entrepreneurs Society and Director of LUMS Consulting Group, Pakistan's largest student-led consulting society, where I organised Pakistan's biggest consulting competition: LCC.

Musa Siddiqui
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Being a proud member of the UCL community, I'll express concerns we all share about our university experience in this conference. Furthermore, through collaborating with students from various other Universities, I'll be able to discuss several ideas about things we can implement in our University to enhance our University experience.

The main concerns I will address are:

The standard set for Online exams and issues that these entail.

The mediocre level of teaching which was provided during the COVID period and how that has affected our studies later on.

Poor Accommodation Services



What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am vocal, dependable and creative. I've been deeply involved in the UCL Pakistan Society over the past 2 years which has polished my skillset.

Speaking to new people from a variety of backgrounds is enjoyable. Through perseverance, not only will I express concerns that we are facing, I'll also demand a timeline for change as well as ideas that the Students Union will be looking to implement. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I can provide you with a clear voice addressing challenges and issues for students without any hesitation. I am approachable and free to discuss any concerns you have. Conveying your concerns in the conference will be my first priority.

The impact I can make through this position is immense. Through collaborating with other Student Unions, I can explore ideas which could be implemented at UCL to tackle our problems.

The main concerns I will address are:

Online exams

The mediocre level of teaching during the COVID period and its effect on our studies now.

Poor Accommodation Services

Talal Ahmad
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected as NUS delegate, my priorities for the conference will be:

Mental Health support: increasing conversation for better access to already existing mental health schemes as well as increased funding for student wellbeing facilities

Better student accommodation support: Greater availability of accommodation options to students throughout the full course of their education

On campus student facilities: Increase wellbeing facilities like additional prayer rooms, sleeping pods, and social common rooms

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

A great understanding of the UCL student community. My greatest asset is being involved with a range of academic, social, and ambassadorial activities on campus. I am able to make a good judgement on what's best for MY student community. Some of my roles on campus are summarised below.


My Experience:

  • UCL Engineers without Borders, Treasurer
  • UCL Pakistan Society, Vice President
  • UCL Biopharma Society, Sponsorship Director
  • UCL Engineering Ambassador
  • AstraZeneca Campus ambassador at UCL
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

- I am someone who's always willing to voice my opinion

- I have good judgement on the needs of my university

- Dedicated to student wellbeing

Patrick O'Malley
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?


The rotten capitalist system is in shambles- and we are paying the price. It's time we fight back. The NUS must remain a body that works for a free and liberated education for all.

If elected I will fight to:

Decolonise the curriculum- Root racism out of UCL

Support the strikes- Working conditions are learning conditions

Demarketise education- Abolish tuition fees

Socialist action on climate now- We need a Green New Deal

Fight the tory cuts to education 

Defend LGBTQ+ rights- UCL must rejoin Stonewall now

Defend the right to support Palestine on campus

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

From UCU strikes to tuition fees, from trans liberation to Palestine, I have organised for socialism on and off campus. I’ve worked extensively as a UCU organiser for the VOTE YES campaign at UCL campaigning to support the strikes, I have volunteered with Corbyn's Project for Peace and Justice, and I have also helped with organising climate protests including Extinction Rebellion, the largest climate protest in London and many others. I believe these experiences will be useful for the NUS.

I will fight for the NUS to be a strong socialist union on the forefront of the struggle for liberation.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I will not let you down. I will fight for a socialist NUS that is on our side.

So vote for me - and send a socialist to the NUS!

Together we will win! 

No Pasaran!


What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I am a very serious candidate.

I've got a very serious policy platform. Yes I do. Believe me, please.

If elected, I will:

  • Sell UCL to the Chinese Government to fund free tuition for all students
  • Make UCL Merch cheaper and better - a £50 hoodie is a crime.
  • Make Senate House Library my personal Headquarters - that one is a rock-solid commitment. 
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Like every other fellow candidate, I, a 20 year old undergraduate student, will definitely manage to bring about meaningful change. During the 3-day annual conference in March, I will personally achieve everything people campaigned for many decades. Free housing. Free beer. Free guinea pigs for chemistry students. Literally anything - funded by the sale of UCL to China.

I am a true UCL patriot. If elected, I will go to the NUS conference and tell them from the stage that all their Universities are worse. “You wish you were at UCL suckers!” I’ll tell them just like that. That is a promise. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I will deliver (but not your pizza).

I am Stefan, a very serious candidate.

Vote Seriousness. Vote Stefan!

Muhammad Umair Mehmood
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to represent the amazing students of this institute. As a sabbatical officer, I think it is vital for me to attend this conference because I will be able to meet sabbatical officers from all around the UK and expand my network which is vital when you have to campaign at a national level. With the cost of living crises, we have to work together to bring down costs for the students. There can be other opportunities as well to collaborate but for all of these initiatives I need to build my network and the conference will be a great way to do so.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Being a staunch believer in collaboration, I was honoured to become a Sabbatical Officer at this prestigious institute. This opportunity allowed me to carry on the tasks which provided me with a sense of purpose. I was able to give back to the community that made me what I am today. Mental Health is at the heart of the Students' Union UCL’s philosophy & that is what motivated me to contest for Welfare & Community Officer at this organisation. I secured the highest number of votes and believe that UCL students have given me their mandate and consider it my responsibility to represent them. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

My transformation journey began when I lost 60 kgs in school; it hasn’t stopped since. I know I’m not the only one. I intend to continue working with the welfare and community zone to ensure mental health remains a forefront priority as we navigate a challenging & unpredictable world. I will integrate values of integrity and inclusivity in the decisions I make and try my best to ensure each student realizes their potential to the fullest. I am keen to introduce a range of schemes designed to ease the transition for new students and support existing students. I will take all of these ideas with me.