Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Hi! My name is Johnathan, and I am a second-year BSc Social Science with Data Science Student. I am running to become an NUS delegate to represent student voices at a national level. As an elected NUS delegate, I hope to achieve:

Solution to the Cost-of-Living Crisis: The NUS surveyed 3500 students and discovered that 96% of students were cutting back on spending and around a third only have £50 left after bills. I wish to amend this policy proposal and highlight raising financial aid through scholarships and grants to decrease pressure on students.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Further support to International Students: Many NUS campaigns (like the Cost-of-Living Campaign) do not extend to international students. I wish to highlight this issue at the NUS conference and advocate for greater inclusion of international students in NUS campaigns. I hope that this will lay the foundation for future campaigns specifically for international students regarding the extension of post-graduation visas.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Better Representation and Transparency: I will collaborate with other student governing bodies and NUS delegates to create a transparent community space on discord. This will allow the UCL student body to discuss wider concerns as well as participate in proposing, reforming, and scrutinizing policy proposals.

With your support, I hope to work with the NUS to address the issues discussed and create a better, lasting framework for NUS delegations with increased accessibility in the long run. If you believe in the betterment of students, join me, and let’s, bring our goals to fruition!