Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Being a proud member of the UCL community, I'll express concerns we all share about our university experience in this conference. Furthermore, through collaborating with students from various other Universities, I'll be able to discuss several ideas about things we can implement in our University to enhance our University experience.

The main concerns I will address are:

The standard set for Online exams and issues that these entail.

The mediocre level of teaching which was provided during the COVID period and how that has affected our studies later on.

Poor Accommodation Services



What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am vocal, dependable and creative. I've been deeply involved in the UCL Pakistan Society over the past 2 years which has polished my skillset.

Speaking to new people from a variety of backgrounds is enjoyable. Through perseverance, not only will I express concerns that we are facing, I'll also demand a timeline for change as well as ideas that the Students Union will be looking to implement. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I can provide you with a clear voice addressing challenges and issues for students without any hesitation. I am approachable and free to discuss any concerns you have. Conveying your concerns in the conference will be my first priority.

The impact I can make through this position is immense. Through collaborating with other Student Unions, I can explore ideas which could be implemented at UCL to tackle our problems.

The main concerns I will address are:

Online exams

The mediocre level of teaching during the COVID period and its effect on our studies now.

Poor Accommodation Services