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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run17 Mar 2023
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running3
Available position1
Total ballots14
Valid votes14
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Mariya Murashko [13045]11.00
Daniel G Fruman [14311]3.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 7.00. Candidate Mariya Murashko [13045] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Mariya Murashko [13045].


Daniel G Fruman

I have been a part of Writers’ Society since before I was even at UCL — everybody welcomed me and filled me with a sense of warmth and belonging. I found friendship in Writers’ Society. I found love in Writers’ Society. 

I’m running for chair of prose, because I want to give back to this incredible community, I want to be useful and give people the sense of belonging that I was shown. This is a position that I honestly believe I’m qualified for, due to my vast work in prose — and next year, my book will finally be published. I’ve had contact with professional agents and publishers, and can not only provide prose feedback (although Supravo is the king of that matter), but also share useful things I found in my experience when searching for an agent and a publisher. 

But in the end of the day - my degree in Ancient Languages leaves very little room for reading anything except cuneiform tablets and Greek philosophy, and this would be an incredible opportunity for me to jump back into modern work - with the incredible talent of the members of this society, so that we all can grow as writers and humans together. 

Lots of love, 


Mariya Murashko

First of all I've been going to feedback sessions for the past 2 years (wow gasp), and I feel like under both Allan and Supravo they have been opportunities to both encourage me to write and take inspiration from the really diverse styles of everyone who attends. I enjoy giving notes -- such as, as y'all will know, "," or on the other side of the spectrum the most abstract comments possible on your google docs.

I hope to lead sessions in the same open friendly manner, except I pledge that I will keep your goofy fanfic in the google drive for at least 24h because I'm not into censorship like that.

If you send me your work outside of sessions, I will also really enjoy reading it and get back to you with comments in 2 days - 7 business months (please text me. I forget).

Outside of prose sessions, as an introvert who does not enjoy group social settings, the environment of Writers' Soc is one of the rare places where I feel comfortable, so I hope to support committee in continuing that through our events in the next year. 

Slay. Vote for me.