Election post


First of all I've been going to feedback sessions for the past 2 years (wow gasp), and I feel like under both Allan and Supravo they have been opportunities to both encourage me to write and take inspiration from the really diverse styles of everyone who attends. I enjoy giving notes -- such as, as y'all will know, "," or on the other side of the spectrum the most abstract comments possible on your google docs.

I hope to lead sessions in the same open friendly manner, except I pledge that I will keep your goofy fanfic in the google drive for at least 24h because I'm not into censorship like that.

If you send me your work outside of sessions, I will also really enjoy reading it and get back to you with comments in 2 days - 7 business months (please text me. I forget).

Outside of prose sessions, as an introvert who does not enjoy group social settings, the environment of Writers' Soc is one of the rare places where I feel comfortable, so I hope to support committee in continuing that through our events in the next year. 

Slay. Vote for me.