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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run17 Mar 2023
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running5
Available positions2
Total ballots27
Valid votes27
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Rick Tan Wei Yang [12526]16.00
Ange Qin [13117]5.00
Zoe Wang [13759]2.00
Roy Zhang [13829]3.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 9.00. Candidate Rick Tan Wei Yang [12526] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Rick Tan Wei Yang [12526]9.00
Ange Qin [13117]6.06
Zoe Wang [13759]6.24
Roy Zhang [13829]4.59
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count after transferring surplus votes from Rick Tan Wei Yang [12526]. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Rick Tan Wei Yang [12526]9.00
Ange Qin [13117]6.06
Zoe Wang [13759]9.24
Roy Zhang [13829]1.59
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Roy Zhang [13829] and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Zoe Wang [13759] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Rick Tan Wei Yang [12526] and Zoe Wang [13759].


Zoe Wang


As the Co-President of my previous school’s Debate Club, I was responsible for tournament registrations and payments in a timely and clear manner. I led teams to Hart House Schools and Harvard WDSC Invitational. This experience enables me to be an excellent convenor, as I can transfer my organization and communication skills to planning UCL school tournaments. 

Two priorities: 

1. Quality judges - We can get good judges and CAs if we contact people early. By staying on top of emails and discussing our hiring budget with our treasurer, we can give young debaters fun and engaging tournaments with balanced motions and great judging. 

2. Smooth competitions - Respond quickly, stay organized, and hit those deadlines. Plan tournament schedules, book venues, and organize team registrations in advance to save time for last-minute emergencies. Let’s give the young debaters the best speaking experiences at UCL competitions.



Roy Zhang

*copied from iv convenor*- you should vote for me for both because I'm great

this is a picture of me debating in an incredibly bad out-round this year. but this is also a picture of my reaction when I saw you almost scrolling past and not reading what is the singularly most inspiring, tear-jerking, earth-shattering "about me" section. just kidding. I think you should vote for me because of 4 reasons. 1- I like convening, so I will try my best not to make our events suck. 2- I have experience convening in high school (reach out if you wanna know more!), so I won't accidentally make our events suck. 3- I like a good time so I will also make sure our events aren't boring and in turn... suck  4- I'd like to think I have a good relationship with the other members running as I got to know everyone in comps and trainings this year, so I'll also be able to have a good relationship with other members of the committee and welcome their input in case they think I suck 

you have nothing to worry about though, I'm great and promise to do really good things. vote for me thanks.

Ange Qin

Hey all, I’m Ange!

I’ve attended multiple tournaments as a speaker, and later as a judge and a part of the equity team. This means that I’ve experienced the behind-the-scenes of running tournaments and have some experience hosting tournaments. Throughout high school, I’ve chaired and organised multiple Model UN conferences, taking on the roles of Chief of Staff, USG of Committees, and USG of Outreach. This experience was key in helping me gain organisational skills.

I believe that to be a good convenor, one needs to be organised and efficient, whether that be finding or hiring IAs or filing invoices. I believe I have all of the skills needed to run tournaments as smoothly as possible and make lots of money for the Soc so we can still go to WUDC.

Rick Tan Wei Yang

Over the past few months I've been regularly attending UCL DebSoc Training Sessions, and I've slowly started to love the society and the people that make it up. I want to help the society in it's everyday tasks so that it can continue to succeed. That's why I've chosen to run as a member of the organising committee.

Convening is a job that will allow me to understand the intricacies of running a competition, liaising with different stakeholders and handling logistical/monetary planning. I've had experience with such tasks, having formerly been the Chairperson of St John Brigade in middle school, and Leader of the History Society in high school. Beyond that, I believe that running a competition successfully for young and aspiring debates provides a level of satisfaction and happiness that makes the job worth it.

I hope to be able to attain this position and contribute to DebSoc the best I can