Election post



As the Co-President of my previous school’s Debate Club, I was responsible for tournament registrations and payments in a timely and clear manner. I led teams to Hart House Schools and Harvard WDSC Invitational. This experience enables me to be an excellent convenor, as I can transfer my organization and communication skills to planning UCL school tournaments. 

Two priorities: 

1. Quality judges - We can get good judges and CAs if we contact people early. By staying on top of emails and discussing our hiring budget with our treasurer, we can give young debaters fun and engaging tournaments with balanced motions and great judging. 

2. Smooth competitions - Respond quickly, stay organized, and hit those deadlines. Plan tournament schedules, book venues, and organize team registrations in advance to save time for last-minute emergencies. Let’s give the young debaters the best speaking experiences at UCL competitions.