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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Read about what the NUS Delegate role is for.

Students' Union UCL is affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS) and will send a delegation of students to this year's national conference between 28th and 29th March 2022. The conference will be held in Liverpool, but you can attend the conference virtually. 

Twelve delegates will be elected as part of the Leadership Race and as per NUS policy, 50% of the delegation must self-identify as a woman. 

Re-open nominations is a winner

Count information

Date count run 18 Mar 2022
Election rules ERS97 STV
Candidates running 16
Available positions 6
Total ballots 1643
Valid votes 1222
Invalid votes 421

Round 1

Zilin Fan [10183] 45.00
Molly Edwards [10185] 49.00
Eesita Poddar [10186] 59.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 95.00
Amber Rajham [10189] 15.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 144.00
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 46.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 35.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 80.00
MA 106.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 39.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 62.00
Shoaib Imran [10203] 209.00
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 108.00
Zoe Kenan [10208] 23.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 107.00
Exhausted 0.00
Surplus 34.42
Threshold 174.57

Count of first choices. The initial quota is 174.58. Candidate Shoaib Imran [10203] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.

Round 2

Zilin Fan [10183] 48.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 50.26
Eesita Poddar [10186] 59.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 95.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 15.63
Tom Barringer [10190] 145.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 47.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 35.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 80.63
MA 108.52
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 39.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 63.26
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 126.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 24.26
RON (Re-open Nominations) 107.63
Exhausted 0.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 174.51

Count after transferring surplus votes from Shoaib Imran [10203]. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 3

Zilin Fan [10183] 49.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 51.26
Eesita Poddar [10186] 59.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 96.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.63
Tom Barringer [10190] 145.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 48.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 36.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 81.63
MA 108.52
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 40.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 63.26
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 127.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 24.26
RON (Re-open Nominations) 107.63
Exhausted 7.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 173.34

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Amber Rajham [10189]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 4

Zilin Fan [10183] 49.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 51.26
Eesita Poddar [10186] 59.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 96.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 145.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 48.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 36.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 81.63
MA 109.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 40.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 63.26
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 127.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 24.26
RON (Re-open Nominations) 107.63
Exhausted 7.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 173.34

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Amber Rajham [10189]. Transferred votes with value 0.63. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 5

Zilin Fan [10183] 51.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 54.26
Eesita Poddar [10186] 59.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 97.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 147.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 48.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 36.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 82.63
MA 109.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 41.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 66.26
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 127.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 1.26
RON (Re-open Nominations) 108.63
Exhausted 16.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 171.84

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Zoe Kenan [10208]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 6

Zilin Fan [10183] 51.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 54.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 59.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 97.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 147.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 48.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 36.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 82.63
MA 109.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 41.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 66.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 127.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 108.63
Exhausted 16.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 171.84

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Zoe Kenan [10208]. Transferred votes with value 0.63. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 7

Zilin Fan [10183] 54.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 56.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 59.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 104.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 153.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 48.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 82.63
MA 110.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 44.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 67.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 127.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 108.63
Exhausted 29.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 169.67

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Aiyi Mian [10193]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 8

Zilin Fan [10183] 54.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 59.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 61.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 104.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 156.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 52.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 88.63
MA 111.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 69.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 131.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 109.63
Exhausted 47.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 166.67

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 9

Zilin Fan [10183] 54.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 63.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 61.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 105.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 159.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 1.89
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 103.63
MA 114.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 69.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 134.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 111.63
Exhausted 67.40
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 163.34

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Shoora Shafeeq [10192]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 10

Zilin Fan [10183] 54.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 63.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 61.63
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 105.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 159.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 103.63
MA 114.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 69.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 134.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 111.63
Exhausted 68.66
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 163.13

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Shoora Shafeeq [10192]. Transferred votes with value 0.63. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 11

Zilin Fan [10183] 3.15
Molly Edwards [10185] 65.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 63.63
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 120.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 162.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 104.63
MA 114.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 69.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 136.27
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 113.63
Exhausted 92.66
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 158.38

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Zilin Fan [10183]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Tom Barringer [10190] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Round 12

Zilin Fan [10183] 0.00
Molly Edwards [10185] 65.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 64.26
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 120.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 162.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 104.63
MA 114.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 69.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 137.53
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 114.26
Exhausted 93.29
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 158.25

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Zilin Fan [10183]. Transferred votes with value 0.63. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 13

Zilin Fan [10183] 0.00
Molly Edwards [10185] 66.89
Eesita Poddar [10186] 1.26
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 122.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 162.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 108.63
MA 116.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 71.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 139.53
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 116.26
Exhausted 141.29
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 148.65

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Eesita Poddar [10186]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 14

Zilin Fan [10183] 0.00
Molly Edwards [10185] 67.52
Eesita Poddar [10186] 0.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 122.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 162.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 108.63
MA 116.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 71.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 139.53
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 116.26
Exhausted 141.92
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 148.53

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Eesita Poddar [10186]. Transferred votes with value 0.63. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 15

Zilin Fan [10183] 0.00
Molly Edwards [10185] 2.52
Eesita Poddar [10186] 0.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 129.63
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 162.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 112.63
MA 119.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 75.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 142.53
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 120.26
Exhausted 181.92
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 140.02

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Molly Edwards [10185]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Round 16

Zilin Fan [10183] 0.00
Molly Edwards [10185] 0.00
Eesita Poddar [10186] 0.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 130.26
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 162.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 113.26
MA 119.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 75.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 142.53
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 120.26
Exhausted 183.18
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 139.71

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Molly Edwards [10185]. Transferred votes with value 0.63. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 17

Zilin Fan [10183] 0.00
Molly Edwards [10185] 0.00
Eesita Poddar [10186] 0.00
Xiaxi Cai [10187] 142.26
Amber Rajham [10189] 0.00
Tom Barringer [10190] 162.89
Shoora Shafeeq [10192] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [10193] 0.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [10196] 118.26
MA 123.15
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [10199] 0.00
Jamie A Dorrington [10201] 1.89
Shoaib Imran [10203] 174.58
Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205] 142.53
Zoe Kenan [10208] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 125.26
Exhausted 231.18
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 122.86

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Jamie A Dorrington [10201]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Xiaxi Cai [10187] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates Mustafa Almi'ani [10197] and RON (Re-open Nominations) have reached the threshold and are elected.

Winners are Xiaxi Cai [10187], Tom Barringer [10190], MA [10197], Shoaib Imran [10203], Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary [10205], and RON (Re-open Nominations).


Shoaib Imran
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Debt accrued during higher education has increased substantially during recent years, particularly for international students where countries took a major hit on economic conditions. With the average debt being £45,000 in 2020, a swift initiative must be taken to reduce such costs. For this reason, if elected I would aim to:

- Reimburse part of tuition fees during covid (i.e. no on-campus study). 

- Revise fees and loan options for international students.

- Cheaper rents and further availability of accommodation especially in areas such as London. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

My strongest attribute is my determination. I take on every challenge head-on and do what I need to accomplish my goals, even when the challenge is difficult. Every time I was given a new challenge during my time as a student representative in the sixth form or running programming workshops in my undergraduate years, I always enjoyed stepping up and demonstrating my skill at that new task. An innovative mindset, enthusiasm, and being self-motivated are some qualities that are common between me and what an NUS conference delegate must possess. 

Amber Rajham
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I would work to be a true representative for UCL, and approach all Conference issues with as much of an objective mindset as possible. I would aim to unify relations between the instution of university with the wellbeing of the student body, as well as aiming to increase the influence and power of the will of the students at UCL, reaching as many people as possible to create a more positive future for us all.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Being a Student Representative, I have found myself raising issues of varying degrees of seriousness to key figures in my department.  I have previously held the roles of Ethnic Minorities Officer in MidEssex Young Labour, and was Women's Officer in the exec. of my previous constintuency's Labour Party. Therefore, I am well familiarised with the structure of unions and conferences, and can use the skills I have acquired from my membership for serving the UCL student body by persisting in our voices being heard.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Having recently joined The Americas Department of UCL, I aim to use the position as Conference Delegate to to achieve the best student life and wellbeing at the university possible. I am fast getting to grips with the dynamics of university life and issues that students may face during their journeys through education.

Considering my extensive experience within the Labour party, I would feel very comfortable speaking with unions and contibuting in the conference, as I have in my previous roles.

Thanks for reading; I hope I have your vote!

Tom Barringer
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

In the last year, NUS has gone from strength to strength: hosting student organising schools across the country, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with UCU in their strike action against the destructive cuts to the sector by UUK and UCEA (as students wanted them to do), and organising a Student Strike to protest against the foul treatment of both students and workers by the powers above them. As a delegate, I will fight for all of this to continue, and for a free, liberated, accessible education for all.


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Experience as a sabbatical officer (Oxford SU, 2017-18) where I supported the first wave of UCU strikes by standing as a sabb on UCU picket lines.

Experience as a UNISON workplace steward at QMUL (2019-2021) where I successfully campaigned against detriment to cleaners' working conditions.

Core campaign member for the successful UCU solidarity campaign UCL VOTE YES (2022) and the petition that forced it.

Tenant's rights activist, party-political campaigner (Corbyn's Labour), LGBTQ+ staff network chair, protest chant leader, poetry competition winner.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I've got one more year left in higher education before I have to get a real job, and this year I vowed to myself I'd use it to fight for what I believe in. This has led me to help cause a students' union referendum and win it with the highest turnout the SU ever saw, lead chants at the recent protest against the Provosts' severing of UCL from Stonewall (see my candidate picture), and generally make an enemy of managerialists and hypocrites everywhere.

Allow me to bring this energy to the national stage on your behalf, to fight for students in a way that our sabbs won't.

Zilin Fan
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Presenting and articulating our views and positions at the conference

Focus on how to make sense of our teaching and learning

How to balance study work and life

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

 Excellent and in-depth multi-faceted understanding of students. As a current UCL postgraduate student and a PGTA on some courses in the School of Engineering, and a professional student representative, I am very familiar with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching content stances and approaches.I have an excellent ability to summarise and identify issues and express my views. I have several internships (e.g., Microsoft) and have been involved in two papers (eg AAAI, EI.)I learn more about people's perspectives by regularly interacting with students from different countries.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

 Excellent and in-depth multi-faceted understanding of students. As a current UCL postgraduate student and a PGTA on some courses in the School of Engineering, and a professional student representative, I am very familiar with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching content stances and approaches.I have an excellent ability to summarise and identify issues and express my views. I have several internships (e.g., Microsoft) and have been involved in two papers (eg AAAI, EI.)I learn more about people's perspectives by regularly interacting with students from different countries.

Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Mental Wellbeing: Pushing for easier and quicker access for students in crisis.

Opposing PREVENT: The ‘PREVENT’ strategy has led to state censorship and routine

racial profiling of Muslim students on our campuses. I will support initiatives to oppose it.



What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Easily approachable: I am the current LLM representative. I am able to actively listen to your views and bridge the gap between students needs in UCL and expressing them at the NUS.

Reliable: I ensured to resolve students complaints with regard to exam changes due to Covid-19. This led to extensive reporting on students sentiments towards the examination department.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am running for NUS delegate because I want to represent UCL Student Union at NUS national conference. My agenda lists outs relevant material on dealing with social dynamics within education. I cannot express these views without your support. I WANT to represent YOU and uphold your voices at a national level. 

Vote YES!

Molly Edwards
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?


  • To best represent UCL Students at the NUS Conference


  • Talk with other UCL elected representatives to gain broad picture of how students have reacted to past policies
  • Look over UCL’s current policies and recents publications, so I can better understand UCL as an institution
  • Use Students’ Union media accounts to hear directly from students
  • Accept and act on suggestions about how to represent students’ voices as much as possible at the conference
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  • I have experience as a Module Rep and Lead Department Rep
    • I regularly attend DTCs and SSCCs, so I am confident representing students and finding solutions
  • I have taken initiative when students have felt passionate
    • e.g. on assessments and inclusivity practices
  • I am Co-President of the EduSoc and took a major role in its re-establishment
    • Aiming to create greater community at the IOE, shows I care about students' wellbeing
  • I am committed to listening to students and representing them to create progress in Higher Education
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Summary of why you should vote for me:

• I will prepare for the NUS conference by researching the conference, UCL's aims for the future, and talking with students to gain a picture of how NUS can represent students at UCL most over the next year

• I have consistent experience as a representative at UCL, so I am confident expressing my thoughts and representing the thoughts of others

• I am motivated to best represent students, and I have shown this in previous roles

I think I am a good a candidate for the position of NUS Conference Delegate, and I hope you do too!

Shoora Shafeeq
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected as NUS delegate, my priorities for the conference will be:

Mental Health Support: lobby for increased and culturally competent mental health support and campaign to allocate more funding for these services.

International Student Support: raise awareness about challenges international students face & push for additional support for them.

Better housing support: lobby for increased hardship funds to mitigate increased living costs & for better guarantor schemes for students not able to find guarantors.

Fighting all forms of discrimination.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have experience in lobbying and advocating for student rights through my work in external organisations and have a deep understanding of the issues pertaining to students. 

As part of the BME Network & Women's Network committee and as a volunteering rep I currently work on incorporating student views in policy-making processes and other discussions. I worked as a course rep to bring forward thoughts, ideas and concerns of students and served as a student trustee in the SU and so have plenty of experience in effectively representing and amplifying student voices.


Jiansk C
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. Working conditions are learning conditions! Call student solidarity meetings with the UCU and other unions in struggles against low pay and unequal conditions! The NUS should campaign physically to defend workers in disputes across the country.
  2. Fight for free education democratically controlled by students and staff. This means free tuition and accommodation for domestic and international students.
  3. Turn NUS into a campaigning, militant union - reignite an accountable, mass student movement. We need all students to get involved!
  4. To mobilize for a socialist climate movement.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a first year, I’ve been active in democracy activism for about 3 years.

This year, I’ve been on campus campaigning weekly for the Student Union to support the strikes. But I must stress this as collective work, together with members of Student Socialist Alternative and supporters of our campaigns.

Recently, I’ve helped organize and lead a protest to demand free education at UCL. It was amazing to see UCL staff join our march calling for UCL management to meet their demands. Going forward we need more of these actions, with bigger and bigger numbers, to escalate until victory!

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The crisis of the capitalist system has directly engendered war, climate catastrophe, extreme inequality and poverty, along with racial, sexual and gender oppression. Only a socialist solution based on democratic workers’ control of the economy can provide a way out of this misery.

If you agree with us, why not get involved? This is about all of us, as students and workers, having the power to change society. Become an organizer for UCL Student Socialist Alternative ( and help us build a mass movement for free education! 


What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I aim to be a conscientious representative of students’ needs and voices. As an NUS delegate, I will also aim to carry on my involvement with socialist climate and feminist action. Education should be inclusive and free - students, officers, organizers, activists and campaigners must stand in solidarity with one another, fighting for a free, nationally funded education against casualization and unequal conditions! 


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I’ve been supporting the work of UCL Student Socialist Alternative for the academic year - I’ve also helped with the preparation and organization of protests to demand free education and strike action for the UCU. 

I’m experienced with graphic design and editing. I’m familiar with software such as Canva, ProCreate and Adobe Premiere. This means I can use art, photography/videography and social media to mobilize students to build mass movements. 


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The only way for us to truly fight against unbearable conditions and inequality in education is to fight against the system and its bodies. I’m a consistently active member of such demonstrations on campus. I’m also a curious learner and patient listener, hoping to represent the wider student body at UCL. This means building a mass movement for students, defending workers and consistently showing up and contributing to meetings, campaigning, demonstrations!


Muhammad Shaban Chaudhary
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

•    1 in 3 students have cut back on food for lack of money. Highest inflation in 30 years! Reintroduction of maintenance grants & student support packages in this time of financial insecurity. 

•    Promote a campaign of reviewing banking arrangements similar to UCL's initiative, considering important ethical factors such as investment in fossil fuels & arms trade. 

•    Mental health stigma is rife within BME students resulting in dropouts from university. Greater funding for Mental health services. 


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

My name’s Shaban Chaudhary, and some of you might already know me as the current Director and Student Trustee SU UCL. For those who don’t, I’m a 2nd year student who has enjoyed a role in student governance for quite some time, I was the Assistant Director High School and the Student Council Advisor at my high school, where I steered the direction of Council and introduced a Mentorship programme, something that I still run. Leveraging 6+ years of management and governance, I believe that I’ll be able to represent UCL's values and political priorities of students at national level.

Jamie A Dorrington
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

UCL has the largest union in the country, it is vital we have delegates who will defend and argue for the ideas that will benefit us as students. The NUS must remain dedicated to fighting for free, life-long education whilst remaining at the forefront of our increasingly radical and empowering student movement. 

If elected as your UCL NUS delegate, I will be 100% committed to defending this radical student movement that I am proud to be a part of, whilst continuously fighting for the right for every individual to have access to free education both at conference and beyond

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am committed to student organising and campaigning. I am pro-UCU and a trade unionist, and have vast experience both on picket lines and dealing bureaucracy, qualities I believe that will help me as an NUS delegate.

I additionally sit as the Communications and Campaigns Officer for the UCL Labour Society, a position which has seen me manage and contribute towards various campaigns both on campus and in the wider community. I will use these qualities and my experience to defend a de-marketised education system and ensure we do not diverge from the radical agenda we wish to achieve. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

If you believe education should be:

- Free

- Democratised

- De-marketised

- Life-long

- For everyone

Then vote for me!

I believe I have the energy and experience that will ensure I truly represent the interests of our movement at the NUS Conference, the NUS must remain a positive force that is committed to a system that benefits us all!

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Hi, my name is X and I am running to be an NUS delegate to voice multiple student demands: 

-Fight to scrap mounting student fees and the marketization of higher education 

-Push for a more sustainable and equitable university environment 

-Address abelism and transphobia that have been rampant in higher education and their effects on student wellbeing

-Join delegates to voice concern and propose solutions to the BAME awarding gap that has been a symptom of institutional racism and lack of BAME staff representation  

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have worked in my department's EDI committee as a student rep for two years and am a current lead department rep, where I learned to negotiate and voice student demand for change. I will use these experiences to actively push for change on the conference floor. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I encourage you to vote for those who represent your demands and find out more about the national student union and student movements. 

Hudaa Bhugaloo
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Hi, I'm Hudaa and I'm running to represent YOU and amplify your voices. I will be voting consciously based on your concerns, canvass for your general wellbeing at NUS on and off campus. 

1) Decolonising education, making Eid day exam-free

2)PREVENT, blatantly islamophobic/ racially profiles students

3) Mental Health Support & constancy in welfare

4) Accessibility for Muslims- douchettes in toilets

5) Apartheid Off Campus

7) Accessing an equitable tertiary education

8) Fighting all forms of discrimination and making

SU reflective of our best interests!

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have previous experience of being my sixth form's Integrity Club president, which aimed at fighting corruption in academic spaces. Being involved in liberation campaigns pushed me to better understand the struggles underrepresented members face and this will allow me to

delve into the nuances of each student's

experience to improve it. Volunteering opportunities made me proactive by gaining the

interpersonal skills required to transparently

engage with the concerns students have and

motioning those.


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I hope to propone schemes that'll prompt

positive changes. My role is representing the core values of students and prioritise them amongst other affairs. Disparities and inequalities in education need to be addressed so students can thrive. Affirmative actions should be taken to ensure that campuses provide an open, equitable and inclusive space for ALL students. I envision an ameliorated campus that primarily cares for our wellbeing instead of being overly bureaucratic and tokenistic. I care about sensible policies being enacted and NUS to remedy students' issues. 

Zoe Kenan
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I am standing to be a NUS Delegate because I want to improve students’ experience at UCL and the quality of education received. My priority would be to advocate for a free and decolonised education, and push for progressive motions to help the National Union of Students be at the forefront of addressing our current crisis in education. I would also advocate for an end to student food insecurity, and for a university that is accessible to all.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

My name is Zoe, I’m a third-year undergraduate studying History, Politics and Economics at SSEES. I am involved in students advocacy on campus and with Liberate the University, a student activist group advocating for free, decolonised and demarketised education.


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I have a lot of experience representing my peers. While in high school, I was a member of student committees which advocated for students. As Delegate, I would be make sure your voices are heard. International students pay exorbitant fees and face a hostile environment. I commit to representing their interests as well.

This year, in the largest vote in university history, the students voted to support the UCU strikes. As NUS delegate, I pledge to continue this commitment. Staff at UCL - lecturers, PGTAs, cleaners, security - deserve fair pay and good working conditions. 

Eesita Poddar
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I believe that variety, diversity, and differences are a part of an ideal learning community. One thing that I hope to achieve as a part of the delegation is more academic inclusivity of different cultures in the UK curriculum. A broadening of the academic spectrum to include courses from all around the world will promote respect and recognition for diversity and inclusivity.

Moreover, I would like to achieve more priority for student well-being and mental health and achieve common understanding of difficulties faced by them around the pandemic and the current world situation. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As the Founder of Pankh, a menstrual hygiene organization to empower rural, menstruating girls by building self-esteem for greater socialization during their periods, I learned what it means to be the voice of others. In the course, interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, enhanced my ability to work in cross-cultural environments, amplifying my exposure and communication skills. This will help me add value to the NUS as a delegate as I would be able to voice students' opinions better, more confidently, and with an open mind. 


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Being an international student from one of the most diverse countries in the world has increased my cultural appreciation and has made me more receptive to diverse opinions, ideas and views. This will help me empathize with and take a stand for the larger student body at UCL. My transition from being a minority group in India to an international student at UCL can help inspire other students like me and make the journey easier. 

I am eager to work collaboratively to help campaign policies that promote student welfare and believe that actions speak louder than words.