Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. Working conditions are learning conditions! Call student solidarity meetings with the UCU and other unions in struggles against low pay and unequal conditions! The NUS should campaign physically to defend workers in disputes across the country.
  2. Fight for free education democratically controlled by students and staff. This means free tuition and accommodation for domestic and international students.
  3. Turn NUS into a campaigning, militant union - reignite an accountable, mass student movement. We need all students to get involved!
  4. To mobilize for a socialist climate movement.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a first year, I’ve been active in democracy activism for about 3 years.

This year, I’ve been on campus campaigning weekly for the Student Union to support the strikes. But I must stress this as collective work, together with members of Student Socialist Alternative and supporters of our campaigns.

Recently, I’ve helped organize and lead a protest to demand free education at UCL. It was amazing to see UCL staff join our march calling for UCL management to meet their demands. Going forward we need more of these actions, with bigger and bigger numbers, to escalate until victory!

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The crisis of the capitalist system has directly engendered war, climate catastrophe, extreme inequality and poverty, along with racial, sexual and gender oppression. Only a socialist solution based on democratic workers’ control of the economy can provide a way out of this misery.

If you agree with us, why not get involved? This is about all of us, as students and workers, having the power to change society. Become an organizer for UCL Student Socialist Alternative (https://bit.ly/34j1UXP) and help us build a mass movement for free education!