Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

In the last year, NUS has gone from strength to strength: hosting student organising schools across the country, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with UCU in their strike action against the destructive cuts to the sector by UUK and UCEA (as students wanted them to do), and organising a Student Strike to protest against the foul treatment of both students and workers by the powers above them. As a delegate, I will fight for all of this to continue, and for a free, liberated, accessible education for all.


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Experience as a sabbatical officer (Oxford SU, 2017-18) where I supported the first wave of UCU strikes by standing as a sabb on UCU picket lines.

Experience as a UNISON workplace steward at QMUL (2019-2021) where I successfully campaigned against detriment to cleaners' working conditions.

Core campaign member for the successful UCU solidarity campaign UCL VOTE YES (2022) and the petition that forced it.

Tenant's rights activist, party-political campaigner (Corbyn's Labour), LGBTQ+ staff network chair, protest chant leader, poetry competition winner.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I've got one more year left in higher education before I have to get a real job, and this year I vowed to myself I'd use it to fight for what I believe in. This has led me to help cause a students' union referendum and win it with the highest turnout the SU ever saw, lead chants at the recent protest against the Provosts' severing of UCL from Stonewall (see my candidate picture), and generally make an enemy of managerialists and hypocrites everywhere.

Allow me to bring this energy to the national stage on your behalf, to fight for students in a way that our sabbs won't.