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Kendo is a martial art originating from Japan, descended from the traditional swordmanship techniques of the samurai. It involves striking various targets on an armoured opponent with a bamboo sword. It's a dynamic, semi-contact martial art with an emphasis on skill and self-improvement. The focus on technique instead of strength allows people of any age and gender to practice together on an equal footing.

We are a social and competitive club who frequent national and international tournaments.  Anyone is welcome, whether beginner or experienced! If bashing people with bamboo sticks sounds like your cup of tea, then sign up and join our sessions!

Beginners practice:

  • Wednesdays 14:30-16:00 at Mandela Studio in Bloomsbury Fitness (WC1H 0AH)

Mixed practice (all experience levels welcome):

  • Sundays 14:00-16:00 at Mandela Studio in Bloomsbury Fitness (WC1H 0AH)

Experienced practice (armoured participants only):

  • Fridays 18:00-20:00 at Bloomsbury Theatre Rehearsal Room (10/5-7/6) (WC1H 0AH)

Asageiko (armoured participants only): [paused due to exam season]

  • Tuesdays 8:00-9:00 at Mandela Studio in Bloomsbury Fitness (WC1H 0AH)


Ask us anything at [email protected] or our social media!

Check out our Instagram page @uclkendoclub for highlights from competitions, socials and other fun stuff!


This year the club is offering 3 membership tiers:

  • Taster (Free) - This membership tier adds you to our mailing list and allows access to taster sessions to give kendo a go.
  • Beginner (£27) - This membership tier gives you all benefits of the free membership, plus access to beginners practice (Wed & Sun) at £3 per session, and in-person socials throughout the whole academic year.
  • Experienced (£32) - This membership tier gives you access to armoured practice at £4 per session for students and £5 for alumni, and in-person socials throughout the whole academic year. You can also represent UCL at various kendo competitions.
  • We also welcome non-UCL guests!  Please email us for more details.


Equipment, Uniform, and Armour:

  • Initially, you will not need to buy anything as we lend equipment.
  • When you become more committed, we recommend purchasing your shinai (bamboo sword) and gi & hakama (uniform).
  • Once your kendo is proficient, the final step is bogu (armour).
  • We do various bulk orders over the year to reduce costs.
  • If you are dedicated to kendo but your financial situation is hindering you, then applying for the SU's Participation Fund can provide sufficient funding.

This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited

Last updated 20/4/2024