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UCL Ice Club is for hockey players and figure skaters of all abilities.

Detailed event pages can be found at the attached links or at the very bottom of this page. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. These events are open to hockey players and figure skaters of all abilities, so please join us!!

Social Skates:

Our social skates are the best events to come to if you want to get some extra skate practice or would like to get to know the other society members a bit better!

Ice Hockey - UCL Yetis

A & B Team

Our A & B team train on Wednesdays at Streatham Ice Rink from 2:15-3:45pm. The cost of this session is included in Term memberships, and is suitable if you’ve played ice hockey before, or are a very experienced skater. Kit can be provided but it’s strongly recommended you bring your own (please email us if you need skates).

UCL Yetis A plays in Checking Division 1 South of BUIHA (British University Ice Hockey Association). Yetis B are not currently active, but will be revived with sufficient interest/ability (our B team's last run out ended with them becoming the Tier 4 Nationals Champions after having won it in 2019!). If you're interested in playing, get in touch!

C Team

Our C team trains on Wednesdays at Streatham between 1:45-2:45 pm, and training costs £5 per session. This is suitable if you are new to ice hockey, not confident skating, or even if you have never skated before! Again, kit can be provided but it’s strongly recommended you bring/buy your own. You won’t be able to play matches until you have your own skates.

The C Team are the current Tier 4 Nationals Champions having won it against all odds in 2022, and is the perfect place to start your ice hockey journey. Come and give us a go!

Figure Skating - UCL Frostbite

The UCL Ice Club is proud to have a figure skating team that dedicates itself to the development of on-ice skills alongside our members’ rigorous academic endeavours.

The UCL Frostbite Figure Skaters train every Wednesday from 2pm-4pm at Lee Valley Ice Centre with professional coach instruction. Skaters are split between beginner, intermediate, and advanced groups for classes.

Frostbite combines annually with the UCL Yeti’s Ice Hockey team to pull off a performance at Varsity, and we also have our annual Figure Skating Showcase for more opportunities to perform in front of a crowd!

Whether you are a total beginner who’s never set foot (or blade!) on ice or a seasoned competitive figure skater, there is a place for you on Frostbite! Contact us if you are interested in joining the UCL Frostbite Figure Skating Team!

Social Skates and Club Socials

Our Social Skates will take place every couple of weeks at Streatham (skate hire is available) and an event will be posted each time to confirm the details!
Both figure skaters and hockey players come together for socials and throughout the year!


Our Ice Varsity is one of the most impressive displays of skill combined with a fantastic atmosphere. Battling it out against our bitter rivals is always a memorable evening and allows our best players at the club to show off in front of hundreds of adoring fans.

Meet us!

We are running a variety of freshers events from skate practices to figure sessions and hockey tasters/tryouts. A summary of the events can be seen on this page.

If you want to meet us before/have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on any of the methods mentioned below.

Contact Us:

The best way to reach the club is through our instagram pages or email. These are constantly monitored by several committee members who would love to help!

UCL Yetis Ice Hockey:

UCL Frostbite Figure Skating:

Also, please do join the general Ice Club facebook group:

See you soon!



Join our Strava Club in the meantime:

This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited