Announcing Your Student Leadership Team for the next academic year

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Her Campus is a women-led online magazine founded by three Harvard students that now includes over 400 Chapters across universities in the UK and abroad. 

HER Campus at UCL: 

Her Campus is a digital magazine dedicated to empowering female writers at UCL. We are focused on providing quality content that is both interesting and fun to read, as well as inspiring, inclusive, and factual. Our magazine content ranges from Culture and Entertainment, UCL Life, Wellbeing to Current Affairs and Lifestyle. We aim to amplify marginalised voices, highlight important social issues, and foster a diverse, supportive and approachable society of women. You check out the work of UCL HER Campus writers on our website!

As a society, we plan to offer a number of events, including coffee socials, museum and exhibition trips, writing workshops, and speaker events. We are very excited to welcome new members and writers for the 23-24 school year! 

Sign up to be a Writer/Editor with us here!