Whether you've been here for 7 years or 2 months, it's never too late to learn something new. Last week, we asked students what the best thing they'd learnt so far at UCL has been - from campus shortcuts to the art of balancing work with social life, here's a round-up of their responses...

"To be more relaxed - very ironically"

We've got loads of ways to help you stay relaxed - from advice and events from UCL Cares to regular beginner friendly yoga classes from Project Active and much, much more going on throughout the year.

"I can get to the physics building from the main quad"

Remember how lost you were during your first week at UCL? Mastering your way around campus is something to be seriously proud of. For more shortcuts like this, its worth downloading the UCL Go app.

"To take on opportunities and try different things"

10000% agree! University is the best time to try out new things in a pressure-free environment. We have opportunities for you all throughout the year - whether that's representing the student body, taking part in a 5km run or attending one of our regular skills sessions.

"Where the cheapest Guinness is in London (the Huntley)"

Not just the cheapest, but also the most conveniently located - it's your very own local pub on campus. Here's the menu.

"How long it takes to make your own food"

We're not sure what extravagant dishes you're making, but dinner doesn't have to mean hours spent hovering over the stove. BBC Good Food has a lot of decent quick dinner recipes., and batch-cooking and freezing big dishes like curry or chilli is also an option to save time in future.

"It's ok to not know the answer or get something wrong"

Absolutely! You're at University to learn, not to be a world-renowned expert in your field. Never be afraid to ask for help - make the most of your tutor's office hours, reach out to course mates if there's something you're unsure of, and always ask questions!

"Always go to society events - you'll meet the best people there"

Yes! We're sure any of you who attended a club or society event got chatting with people - it's the easiest way to meet people with common interests. As well as this, it's never too late to join, so don't be afraid to pop into a social - everyone will be super welcoming. Here's a few more reasons why it's such a good idea to join a club or society.

"Never do your washing on a Sunday evening"

This an important one to note down if you're living in halls - it's like rush hour on the tube, but for the laundry room. Weekend mornings are probably a better bet, because who's waking up early (aka before lunchtime) on a Saturday?

"How people from various ethnicities and cultures can come together"

UCL truly is a global University, with over half of the student body coming from outside the UK - you're bound to meet people from all over the world when you're studying here! We have a range of cultural societies on offer to celebrate and unite our diverse student body, as well as educating others who are curious to know more.

"Finding a healthy balance between work, friends and alone time"

This is the ultimate goal of any student. It can take some time to master the art of balance on this level - especially when it comes to deadline season - but it's definitely possible! We're here to help, whether you need flexible part-time work or a quiet space on campus to get some work done before Sports Night.

11AM: Main Library. 11pM: Scala.