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Student life wouldn’t be the same without our incredible Clubs and Societies, and we've got tons. Even if you only join one, they're the best way to make the most of your time here at UCL.

There's plenty of good reasons to get involved, and we've summed them all up here.

There's something for everyone...

That's right - you'll have more trouble narrowing down which to join than finding ones you like! Take a look for yourself - check out the list here. We've got societies for everything from Krav Maga to Electronic Music, Bubble Tea to Harry Potter.

Societies are open to everybody - you don't have to be an expert!

The ability to join societies is there all year-round so you can join anytime - all joining is done online and can be done at any time. Many people join in term two or term three, and many clubs and societies will be running taster sessions in January to help you decide which ones are right for you.

Our societies are there to help you learn and make the most of your time at University. No judgement here! Many sports societies have classes open to beginners, for example, and by attending taster sessions you'll be able to get a feel for what you might enjoy. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, everyone is in the same boat, and whatever you try will be a fun experience.

We have lots of societies named after different countries. But you don’t have to be from Afghanistan to join the Afghan Society - you just have to be interested in Afghan culture. These societies are a great way to learn more about the world around you and all students are welcome.

It's the easiest way to meet new people

We’ve lost count of the number of students that say the friends they made and experiences they had through their club or society were an absolutely invaluable part of their time at UCL. Whether you want to hitchhike to Morocco with RAG or perform on a West End stage with the Drama Society; go on tour with your sports club or just meet people who share your passion, clubs and societies are the best way to do something amazing!

You can be as involved as you like - no pressure here!

Some students find that their activity of choice is central to their time at UCL and get heavily involved. And while it’s great if you feel that way, that’s not compulsory at all. If you just fancy occasionally going along to a social or having something you can dip in and out of, that’s absolutely fine too!

The good news is that most competitive sports games take place on Wednesday afternoons, which are kept entirely free of lectures to give everyone a chance to play. Additionally, lots of our sports clubs have Postgrad teams with training timetables that fit around your schedule and all of the groups welcome members from all walks of life. 

There are lots of career-building societies

Getting involved with societies like Economics and Finance and Leading Women is a great way to help you get a step ahead when you start your career (even if it seems a bit odd to be thinking about that before you even get here!). Such career-building societies often feature talks, career fairs, networking events and more.

That said, getting involved in any society shows commitment, teamwork, and self development. If you want to go one step further, you can join your club or society’s committee and get some management experience too.

Membership costs go back to you!

Membership costs depend on how much equipment your activity requires and other elements of running the activity. But one thing never changes - the amount of your membership that goes to funding your activities. 100% of membership fees are used to run clubs and societies (along with extra funding from elsewhere in the Union, such as profit made in our cafes and bars).